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100 Most Romantic Emotional Love Letters That Make You Cry

Dive into 100 deeply romantic love letters that will tug at your heartstrings and bring tears of joy—perfect for expressing your true emotions.

Author:Suleman Shah
Reviewer:Han Ju
Aug 11, 2024
There is no breakage to a love that is seasoned and nurtured with beautiful words, and letters when utilized daily and appropriately. Romantic words have a positive effect on the heart of our lovers. Every man and woman is ever ready to be showered with well-scripted emotional love letters that make you cry.
Refreshing love daily with emotional love letters that make you weep enriches your partner’s love for you, resulting in always longing to be around you. This does not happen through magic but through letters mixed with romantic emotional words.
These emotional love messages that make you cry will help lovers to build intimacy daily as it spurs unending affection in the heart for one another. A love relationship needs romantic words communicated in the form of a love letter between soul mates.
Here are some super long and short touching love letters that make you cry. The best mind-blowing short and long romantic emotional love letters that make you weep for him or her.

Emotional Love Letters That Make Her Cry

Being in love is cool, but having a boyfriend or husband that appreciates a lady with love words is awesome, love words can melt the heart, repair a broken relationship, add more sauce to love life, and also do a good thing to a relationship more than expected.
Here are some emotional love letters that make her cry, scream for joy, and love you more and sure the best deep romantic love letters for her. Hence, you don’t have to be disturbed about what to write as your emotional love letters for her, just scroll down and pick anyone that will make her head swell on cloud 9 for joy in loving you more and more.
1. My Love for you knows no boundI am so completely in love with you. I wake up and sleep every day with your thoughts in my heart. Every day seems like a blessing and full of fun since I met you. I feel so lucky and honored to be in love with you with all my heart. I love and cherish you more than I did yesterday but not more than I will tomorrow. I can’t explain the way you make me feel when I hear your voice or see your face, but I adore it.
Loving you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I never regret the day I met you, you mean everything to me. Best Friend, my love for you knows no bound. Thinking of your love strengthens my heart. I am proud of everything you do because you are the most fantastic person I have ever had contact with. My lifetime desire is to be with you forever and always.
2. I owe you more than an affectionThe first day I met you, I experienced these strange feelings in my heart down to my veins. I almost fainted because your love kills everything called the inferiority complex in me. Baby, I owe you more than affection because accepting me as your heartthrob is something worth more than millions to me. You came into my life and transformed me into a finished product that I never thought of.
Love you with everything I have and can’t pay back your wonderful deeds in my life. Sweetheart, I owe you more than affection. You need to know what you mean to me. Seeing you every day reminds me that true love does exist because I have never loved this hard for anything in the world. Loving you has opened me to a whole lot of things, thanks for loving me.
3. I am grateful an angel lives inside my heart You are the angel I met on my way to depression, you raise me up again from my lonely state. I’m about to be mad at myself, but suddenly you walk into my life and my madness of depression turns to pure love. Listening to your words of encouragement pulls down the heavyweight of hatred in you. Now, you can see that you are the Angel in human covering. I’m grateful I met an angel so patient like you.
Losing You is what I will never pray for or never dream of. I love you big my angel for you’ve brought light unto my path. I know that everything about me is in love with you because you are everything I have always wanted. I am in love with you because I fall in love with you all over again whenever I see your face. You are my princess, and my undying love is for you always.
4. I discovered sweetness in my tongueI speak in public and everyone marvels because my words are sweet without licking honey or sugar. You are the sweetness that breathes love into my heart and my tongue shows forth the fruit of your sweetness. What else do I want in a woman? You are that sweetness in all ramifications. You are the sweetness that erased the sour taste from my tongue.
You made me the man of admiration in town that everyone reckons with. I discovered a sweetness in my tongue and that is you, my darling. For the rest of my life, I will love you like no other. Until the end of my days, my heart will beat for you. I am preparing myself to be the best for you. With the whole of my heart, body, and mind, I love you completely. You make me feel on top of the world.
5. You are sunshine and my sparklesThere is something about love I never realized until the day I met you. Whenever it sunrises I never took notice of it, I overlooked it but since the day I met you I always remember that you are the sunshine that shines peace into my life. My heart has known peace since I met you. When I wake up every day it’s you that I see again even when you were absent physically because my heart has mastered how to behold your beauty and you are forever present in my heart. My sunshine and my sparkles.
6. The beauty in my handsomenessBabe, beyond the physical look, you remain the truest person who has made my life so beautiful. Sometimes I check the mirror again and all I see is the expression of your loving heart. But I have come to realize that you are the beauty in my handsomeness you made me beautiful and handsome at the same time.
You’ve never left any negative character to remain in me but because of you I have been made beautiful in character and look. What you’ve built on the inside is showing forth in my outward appearance. My chosen angel you are the beauty in my handsomeness.
7. My lady in all seasonsI never knew you could stay with me even in my darkest hour. You showered me with more love even when I don’t deserve it from you. You close your eyes at my wrong deeds, telling me words of encouragement. You provided not only your shoulder to lean on you extended it to your heart.
Looking at your eyes I can see my pains and worries inside it and your presence makes the difference in all. Dearest, you are my lady in all-season you prove to me that you are not just a better half but you are all I want in life.
8. You are priceless Sweetheart, I’ve been watching your good deeds starting from when I met you to this great day. Darling, no price can pay back your worth because you are priceless. You are an angel in a lady’s form and sometimes I look at your eyeballs and all I can see inside it is unwavering love. Even when distance separated us your love remains stronger in my heart.
Many ladies try their best to take away your love but the more they tried the more my love wax stronger for you. You are more than any price not only because you are beautiful but because you are real and sincere and that is what I want in my dream woman and I have found all of these in you.
9. To the best super soul mate ever My love, I have met different ladies in the past but you are a super soulmate to me like no other. My heart has clung to yours ever since met you. There’s nothing like my plans like it used to be but now the word “I” has turned into the word “WE”. Now, you have all of me for your love has spoken softly into my heart and it is irresistible. Baby, I’m happy I met you, you are mine forever. To the best super soulmate ever.
10. All I desire is you, in a million times Honey, you are so sweet to the eye and accepted by my heart, my heart keeps beating for you. You are my heart’s desire and a key that opens my heart. I have no spare key to my heart because I have given it to you. I have no pleasure in any other woman but you. All I desire is you in million times, your love drives me crazy. I am always at peace with you. Baby, all I desire is you a million times.
11. Touch me gently, hold me tight A decent lady like you is rare, you touch my heart gently with your words. My lady with few words but with numerous actions. You hold me tight and I feel it, with you, I am at the top of the world. You hold me tight by holding this relationship in high esteem. You never take me for granted despite my flaws and errors. You are the lady that I will never let go of even in hard times.
12. To the most committed lady, I have ever seen Beauty, I owe you a standing ovation, you are the woman behind my smiles. Despite all my nonchalant attitude towards our relationshipyou cover it up with your committed heart. Even if I buy you the whole world you deserve more than that. I make research about love relationships and I found out that you are the best because you are the woman behind my success thanks for loving me unconditionally.
13. To the strong woman behind the sceneMany see my result and praise me, my name was changed to success because of the results people saw in my life. They never knew you are the woman behind the scene of my progress. Thank you for being there for me. I love you to the moon and back.
14. I am delighted I met you I never knew I have talents, and skills like this until I met you. I am delighted I met you, a passionate, futuristic, focused lady. I am proud to show you off to other ladies out there. Thank you for making me the talk of the town. Our love has gone viral because of your loving heart, I have not regretted meeting you, my angel. Thanks for staying with me in the good and bad times. I am delighted I met you.
15. Sweet Lady, who can find? I am happy I am the luckiest man on earth for finding a sweet lady like you. You are my kind of woman, beautiful with brains, smart with senses. You are not just sexy but wise in all ways. Your thinking sense always keeps me thinking and I always ask myself where you emanated from; so unique in all you do and say. I have found that Sweet lady and her worth is more than rubies.
16. My choice, my decision Journey through my love decision street, I was confused but meeting you change things around for me. You’ve designed my heart with beautiful colors of love, I found so many answers to my questions in you. Sweetheart, I will fall in love with you over and a million times.
17. The depths of my love for you Every morning my love for you comes refreshed though spent on you, I am happy you are mine. No matter how I try to express my love for you, it can not describe how deep your love has grown in my heart. You are truly etched in my heart and nothing can separate you from my heart and soul.
18. My love for you has no end Sweetheart, you are my soulmate and I believe we are met for each other. Know, that in times of challenges my shoulder and heart are there to lean on. You are mine and my heart has been knitted together with a soulmate. My love for you has no end, it is continuous even when you are not with me, my heartbeat for you like no other.
When I open or close my eyes, you are the one I see and I will keep seeing you because my love for you has no end. I will stay with you in good and bad times, not because of any reason but because my love for you has no end.
19. I am grateful I met my best friend The first day I met you, I was convinced that I have met my forever bestie. You prove this to me with everything you do. Soulmate, no one has ever touched my life the way you do. You are supportive, reserved, and understanding and this makes our hearts knit together and difficult to separate.
You are that best friend that is selfless and loving. I am grateful I met you as my best friend, you always stand by my side both day and night, and you gave me your heart, thanks for being my best friend.
20. Thanks for being my greatest gift There is something that whispers into my ears whenever I remember that you are my greatest gift. You are not a common gift, you are rare and I am grateful, I am the blessed man that found you. Many gifts have come my way but you are the greatest among them, you are just too sweet.
You are the gift that money can not buy, you have always been the greatest gift since the day we met. I may not have the right word to use to describe how much you mean to me but you know that you are the greatest gift I have prayed for.
21. My love for a lifetimeThere is something that makes you different in my life you are my life partner that is worth more than a girlfriend. The day we met I saw life in you and I am grateful I have benefited from that life, thanks for releasing you’re all for me.
I am grateful for the day I met you because everything about you speaks life, your word is what I love listening to both day and night. My love for you has a beginning but will never have an end. You are more than what this article can describe, my dear soulmate. You hold me tight when the storm was all over me. I am grateful I met you.
22. I am grateful I found love at last Soulmates, my heart found true love and intimacy the day we met. You’re endowed with all colors of love and that has made my life so beautiful with different colors of admiration. Dear, you shine so brightly and you brighten my heart with your love. Having you for life is what I will be grateful for, holding each other hands and displaying the colors of love together is my heart’s desire. I love you from the depth of my heart.
23. You’ve filled the gap in my heart Dearest, you feel the gap in my heart and dullness could not be found in me because with you no boring moment all I am left with is to laugh and laugh again. I respect everything about you is the treasure that brought pleasure into my life. I will love you now and forever I am always grateful each time I remember that you are mine. I will never take you for granted dearest. I love you.
24. The moment with you I will love you now and forever, you are my inspiration on every blessed day. Butterflies filled my heart at the mention of your name. Goosebumps can not describe how my heart cracks like a wall because your smile makes me smile and it brightens my day. The moment with you is always amazing and is a moment that makes me feel alive and active. The moment with you is never a waste.
25. I can’t live without you Your smile healed me immediately after I saw you at first sight. Your calmness drew me closer to you alone, your thought occupies my mind. How can I live without you my best friend? Babe, I found a treasure in you and I want to be part of your happiness forever, you are more than a girlfriend.
26. Your memories flow through my heart Your memories flow in and out of my heart like a lively fountain. I could not let go of your memories because it means a lot to me. It keeps my vibes alive like no other. My love, you mean the whole world to me. I am looking forward to spending a lifetime with you.
27. Your smile thrills me Even when you stand afar off, your beautiful smile enthralls me and I reciprocated joyfully. You whispered into my ears and I can hear you clearly. You stared at me and I understood what you meant. You are the reason why I enjoy the truest nature of love. Baby, you are mine forever.
28. You are mine forever Looking into your eyes beauty is what I see. My mouth affirms your love, my heart long for you. It takes two to tango I am grateful we are two dearests let us tango together and become one. My woman, my everything.
29. Love unending When my eyes are closed, my heart beats faster, closing my eyes whenever you cross my heart is what I enjoy doing, and my heart melts whenever you are with me. It is for this unending love we share I smile. Whenever I see the imprint of love like a work of art anywhere it will remind me how much I love you. Darling, your love has healed my broken heart. We’re on a journey of eternal love and nothing can stop us. Thanks for accepting me.
30. I am thankful you are my better half I noticed I was not complete until I found an Angel, you are my better half. I was complete immediately I set my eyes on you, my heart knew joy and I rejoice because you complete me. I am thankful you are my better half.
31. With you, love is real Thinking of you melts my heart like ice, I never knew I could love you until you came into my life, your love is real. You came into my life when the storm was tough, you felt the pains with me in love and care. Dear, nothing will separate us because you are meant for me forever.

Short Emotional Love Letters That Make You Cry

Love never fails when showered with appropriate words at the right time, here below are some romantic short love letters for her that make her cry. You can only imagine the glow of affection on her face as she receives these heartfelt love letters that make you cry from you.
32. Walking down the space of life in search of true love, I never knew I could find love so true until I met you. You’ve won my heart each day with your beautiful smile that makes every man queue for your love. I am the most fortunate man on earth and I will never take this for granted, I will love you over and over again. Cheers to the good days ahead of us. Love you plenty, dearie.
33. Your voice is super sweet, you whispered into my ears and my heart shivered with excitement. Darling, no lady can melt my heart the way you do, your presence in my life always remind me that I am a man that is complete with unusual grace. I am thankful for meeting a damsel like you, unique in smile and deeds, darling no one can replace you in my heart. It’s forever to go with you.
34. You are indeed a light that shines in my path, you know I have crossed through life’s journey alone, thought life is complete not until I crossed paths with the woman who completes me, you touched my heart when I least expected it. Sweetheart, I can not imagine life without you, it would have been dark all day long, but I am grateful you are a great light on my path.
35. I will love you over and over again is the new song I learned after meeting you. Your heart is so kind, and your voice is pretty cool like that Angel, an example of a virtuous woman, beauty with a brain, running and chasing after you is what I love to do every day of my life. I love you, my humorous baby.
36. When I am with friends, they envy me because you made me perfect in their eyes. In my imperfections, you honored me, and during my hard times, you gave me your shoulder to lean on. Words failed me but my heart gathers your good deeds and my mouth has no choice but to say that “you are the best thing that has ever happened to me” Thanks for loving me through thin and thick times.
37. Searching through the streets for a lady to love I found none. I was perplexed and disturbed but I had a feeling that you come and say yes to me and since then my life changed for the better. Darling, thanks for loving me unconditionally.
38. Sweetness, you crossed my mind and my heart leaped for joy, your presence in my life today makes me a real man, many suitors are out there chasing you but you prefer to stay with me. Dear, I will never take this for granted I will always love and cherish you.
39. Babe, you are just the best for me, when I am hurt you treat me gently till all my hurts are gone for good. Your kind of lady is rare, you showered me with so much respect and affection, and you love me unconditionally even with all my flaws I am forever grateful for meeting a wonderful angel like you.
40. Your reasoning level always keeps me thinking, you are a lady with a special kind of humility the world has not seen and known. I am always happy that you are mine. I do not deserve you, dearest, I want you to know that I love you even when we are not on good terms. I love you more and my heart always beats for you.
41. Dearest, everything about you is attractive to me: your behavior is beyond what your mouth can say, your height is cool, your eyeballs speak hope, your mouth is seasoned with good things, and you always blow my mind. I have met a unique lady and I can shout it on a rooftop.
42. Writing a million words can not describe who you are, you are my strength when I am left alone with my thoughts. Your words encourage me day and night because I fall in love with you day and night even when I felt like I was tired of everything. Babe, you are my motivation and inspiration.
43. Dear, your look touches my heart, you never cease to amaze me, and you discover who I am even when I was busy with other things. Now I can see strength in you beyond what any word can convey. Your large heart means a lot to me. I love you, dearest.
44. Peeping through the window of my heart all I could see is you, my sweetness. Dancing around the garden of love all I could see is you? You have been part of my day-to-day activities you are definitely stuck in my heart and my worries are gone. I am lost in thought because you have stolen my heart.
45. Life is beautiful with you when you are by my side, words cannot describe the butterfly in my heart, you are kept in my heart that is why I heart you so much like no other. You are the best lady in the world I am not flattering you but describing who you are. I am fulfilled by having you in my life.
46. Since I met you things have been working for my good cos’ you are made for me, you are such a blessing to me and my family, and my heart will forever be yours know this, as long as I live, my life belongs to God and to you.
47. You occupy the largest space in my heart, my heart long for you, and my heart cries loudly for your love. Loving you more is what I enjoy doing, you are more than a girlfriend, you are a mother, sister, and bae (before any else) I love you big.
48. Knowing that you are my sweetness makes me keep my mouth from another taste. You are beautiful the way you are and no one can occupy your place in my heart.
49. You have proven your love to me so many times and in ways and nothing will terminate our togetherness. Baby, your love will always linger in my heart, you are mine and this gives me joy each day and reminds me that you are mine forever.
50. You rearrange every piece of my heart, you remolded me through your unique character you energized me with your smile. You hold me tight with your encouraging gestures. Thanks for making me a special man in your life.

Letter To My Boyfriend Telling Him How I Feel

Have you ever read a letter and tears roll down your cheeks? I love you letters for him from the heart are one such letter. A letter to my boyfriend telling him how I feel is more than just a letter it is a kind of letter that bursts the brain and releases butterflies from the stomach.
Scroll down and pick your choice of touching love letters that make you cry. It comprises romantic words, it is a letter that satisfies the heart and fulfills the longing of the heart and soul.
These romantic emotional love notes make you cry, a letter that will continue to ring in your boyfriend or husband’s heart. Enjoy the multiple long and short touching love letters that make you cry.
51. The champion of my heart Even with your flaws, you are the champion of my heart, I love you like that, my prince in shining armor. You have won my heart with nothing left for another, and I know that you are capable of handling my heart with so much care.
I love you with all of me, You have shown me how to love, and I am grateful to God for making that possible. When I am with you, all my worries go away, and my heart rejoices. I love you so much because you are a dream come true.
52. My biggest motivation You are my biggest motivation, and I will keep thanking you for being that irreplaceable part of my life. If I am the best version of myself, it can only be the result of your never-ending care, never giving up, and love.
You are the man of my dreams. Sometimes, I feel that the heavens looked into my heart and sent you my way. A future without you I cannot fathom and I am ready to go in all the way with you into the future with you.
53. My Sunshine You make me feel comfortable and safe with you. Only you understand my shortcomings and love my flaws. I love you to the moon and back. You make every moment of my life memorable, and I make no mistake in calling you my sunshine.
You have gone the extra mile to make me yours, and I will not stop at anything in making you happy. You are amazing, and I do not have any reason not to fall in love with you. With you, I find my joy, I love you forever and always.
54. My luckiest moment was meeting you When I saw you, I realized that love is like a wind we can feel but can not see. Now that you are in my life, I do not want to lose you for anything in the world. I am the luckiest woman in the world to have owned your heart and love.
I love you like there is no tomorrow. You make me feel good about myself, that is the reason why I always want to be around you. Even in my lowest moments, you know the right words that will lift my mood. You are just too sweet. I love you, honey.
55. My love I admire your strength and the belief you have in me that I can become whatever I want to be as long as there is life, there is hope, I identify with the endless love you’ve showered upon me and the sacrifices you made to make me happy. I can not stop loving you, my best love, you are the one that I love with all my heart.
56. My best friend, my man You are my best friend and the only true love God has given to me to cherish and love with all my heart, you have given me a reason to believe that true love still exists and that special men are still on the surface of this earth, I really appreciate your courage you put in loving me even more than I do. I used to think that I love you more until you beat me hands down in passion and compassion. I love you, my man.
57. My True Love We might fight but it does not change anything from how I feel for you or how I see you. I must let you understand that I have dedicated all my heart to you so I cannot do anything without thinking about you even for a second. I really love you my dearest.
After every fight, you still find a space in your heart to forgive me, indeed it is rare to find such a man in this world. I will love to show my appreciation for loving and respecting my feelings. You have proven to me that true love still exists up to this moment. I love you.
58. I have found true love in you You are the true love who has shown me the meaning of love and I am very happy that our love has been full of pleasure and happiness, looking back at where we started. The nature of your smile and the willingness to remind us of the lovely days and moments in our relationship mean so much to me. I love you my dearest.
59. My man in all seasons Having you in all seasons of my life has been a great blessing that my money can not buy. I am always grateful that you are mine and I will be forever grateful if you will be mine forever. The stars at night always remind me how bright your love shines in my heart. I love you big.
60. I have found the definition of true LoveYou are the definition of love, I found no other love elsewhere. You’ve shown me love and my heart melted for no other but for you alone. You speak love and you deserve everything. Your encouragement at all times increases the level of my love for you. You deserve to be loved.
61. My Mirror I remember you every time I look at myself in the mirror, all I see is you and the smiles you added on my face, without you my love life is incomplete. My mirror, I never knew I will love so much this way. I am drunk by your love, and I want to be intoxicated with your love. I love you, honey.
62. My pain reliever You are the pain relief I took as a drug when depressed. You are the definition of love, your hug always takes my pains away, and your tender kiss when it touches mine, takes my worries away. Holding your hands makes me feel alive and refreshed. Thanks for being a pain reliever at all times.
63.My Sugar-pie I never know the meaning of sugar pie until the day I met you. You have proven to me that you are the beautiful taste in my pie. I am satisfied with eating your pie and not in any other but you alone. My love, loving you was not a mistake, I will choose you over and over again, honey.
64. Your love strengthens me Thinking of your love strengthens my heart. I am proud of everything you do because you are the most fantastic person I have ever had contact with, your thought always strengthens my heart. For the rest of my life, I will always love you.
65. My True love Seeing you every day reminds me that true love still exists because I have never loved this hard for anything in this world. Loving you has opened me to a whole lot of things and I am so much in love with you. You need to know what you mean to me, no amount of money can pay for your love, I love you forever and always.
66. Mr. HandsomeThe moment you walk into my life, I knew that it is the beginning of new dawn in my life, you touch my heart with your awesomeness and handsomeness. You are a role model for many lovers, and you deserve a standing ovation. I love you, handsome.
67. You are my signal of joy Your laughter and your smile send butterflies down my stomach. I love you so much that I can not start a day without hearing your voice. I always have joy and confidence after speaking with you. I want to be with you on this journey of life because I can not find a better partner than you. You are my signal of joy and confidence, having you is like having high self-esteem.
68. You are mineI know that every part of me is in love with you because you are everything I have always wanted. I am in love with you because I fall in love with you over and over again whenever I see your face. You are my prince charming, and my undying love is for you always.
69. My Prince charming Your smile reminds me of how charming you are. Everything about you speaks greatness. Having you as my one and only always bring joy into my heart, my prince charming, I always imagine how life will be without you. You taught me the meaning of love, I am forever grateful that I have someone like you in my life.
70. You are that good thing Having someone who believes in one’s dream is a rare thing to find. Dearest, you are the good thing that has happened to me. I am happy I say yes to your proposal, and this made everything about me beautiful. I am happy I have someone I can call my best friend, someone that loves me despite my imperfection, you are my dream come through, love you.
71. My Heart and love I want to hear your voice every day because it gives me joy. I want to hold your hands when we speak because it gives me comfort. I can not survive a day with the thought that you are not there. I want to be with you at every given opportunity. I love you.
72. I admire your strength, sweetheart I am thankful for your strength and the belief you have in me that I can become whatever I want to be as long as there is life, there is hope, I identify with the unwavering love you’ve showered upon me and the sacrifices you made to make me happy beyond words. I will always love you.
73. My dream was fulfilled through you I am pleased to let you know that you are a special person who does not make me feel like I owe him anything. Your kind is rare and that is the reason why I will always let you know that you mean the world to me and I will never let you down, my sweetheart. I just want you to know that you are my dream come true.
74. I am lucky to found you I am so lucky that I found a man who wakes me up in the morning with countless kisses and hugs. It is very rare to find men like you and I will never forget you till the end of time, my dear sweetheart. I love you.
75. Thanks for understanding me Whenever I am lying on your shoulder, my tears are wiped away and only you can do that because you understand me better than any other person. I keep on being amazed by your nature as you always accept my apologies whenever I erred. I want to be with you till eternity.
76. Thank you for ignoring my mistakes Thank you for ignoring my mistakes and making me feel good, I appreciate those countless nights you stayed awake just for me to know how much I mean the world to you. No man has ever taken care of me as you do. I will not forget the kisses and hugs you gave me when I needed them most. I love you.
77. Honey, thank you for everything I am so much into you because you only did not make me feel special but also make me feel like no other lady exists in this big world, thank you for encouraging me to be strong and morally upright. I cannot stop thanking you for everything you have done in my life. I love you, my man.
78. My love for you knows no bound No matter what happens, I want both of us to always be together. No matter how far you may be from me, it does not matter because it can never take away my feelings for you, it cannot change the way I feel about you. I am truly in love with you my heart.
79. My Heart Closing my eyes each moment with your thought always feel my heart with joy. Your love joins my heart with yours. You accepted everything about me not minding my flaws. You stood by me, giving me your heart to breathe on. I will forever love you, my darling.

Short Love Letters For Him From The Heart

The love between a boyfriend and a girlfriend is beyond eye contact or body contact, it is a responsibility, we are here to assist you to get that responsibility by writing romantic short love letters for him from the heart.
Loving someone is a commitment and responsibility, here are some short love letters that will show that you really care, are committed to your relationship, and are responsible. Here are some short but romantic emotional love letters that make you cry for him.
80. If I am to choose a man to love, I will choose you over and over again. You’ve added to my joy and no one can take your place in my life. You are more than gold to me, my dearest. I am glad you are mine forever.
81. My superman, I can not just imagine life without you, life would have been so bored without you in the scene, thank God you are created on this planet earth for me. I will love you countless times without a second thought because you deserve more than letters or a paragraph.
82. Time spent with you has never been a waste, you are amazing in all words and deeds. Your large heart can not be overlooked for anything. You are a God-sent, every moment spent with you is never a waste but a beautiful blessing.
83. Darling, I am not scared to be seen with you because you are a true soulmate to me, you never mind what will cost you to make me happy. You’ve proved to me that love is beyond words but action plus words. I love you, my darling superman.
84. Sitting in the street of love, all my thoughts were you. You touched my heart in an unexpected way that I could not have imagined. You’ve showered me with such amazing love, I will forever love you.
85. Strolling in the lane of love searching for true love and behold you came to the scene and display what is called true love, I was shocked and amazed that true love still exists. You are mine forever. I am so glad you came my way, my love.
86. The first time we met, I thought you will be a stranger forever and nothing can come between us, I was surprised that the reverse is the case because you turn out to be my closest and best friend, I love you, dearest.
87. Walking in the sphere of love, I was asked to choose anything I desire, I did not bother myself thinking about what to choose, since you were there I choose you, now and forever. Thanks for being there for me.
88. I was given a mirror to behold every moment and that mirror is you, I am not tired of looking at you every minute, you are sweet and handsome to behold, I love you, my sweet king.
89. You are my king, and there is no doubt about it, you are such a darling and not an ordinary regular guy. You are a future to behold. I love you my bestie.
90. Your look speaks love, your smile shares love, and your laughter burst out love, with this you have proven to me to love at all times and season thanks for loving me.
91. You are so sweet to behold, so determined to hold, so loving to let go, so amazing to talk to, so lucky to have and so patient to wait for. I love you my dearest.
92. Waiting for someone so cool as you is never a waste of time. You took your time molding me to become a better person you never give up on me at any season, I am forever grateful that I met someone like you.
93. The stars never struggle to be displayed at night likewise the love we shared never struggles to be written all over me. I love you, my man, my everything.
94. Wait a minute, I am in love with the best man I have ever seen, your encouragement is beyond ordinary words, they are words accomplished with greatness and love.
95. Jogging in the arena of decisions, I met you and all my searching ended because I have finally reached the end of my search for true love. You are cool and wise, thanks for choosing me.
96. What can I really say than to be rejoicing that I have finally found my soul mate, you are indeed my love and everything. You are so amazing and loving, your large heart can not be described. I love you.
97. Many times I thought we will end our love story like that when disagreement occurs, but you are so mature to calm me down and settle things amicably. You are sweet, my darling.
98. Touch the heart and you will feel good feedback. You have touched my heart and showered me with your love, now I’m writing this to you because you are the man behind the scene of my smiles, thanks for being there, my love.
99. My boyfriend is amazing, so loving you is not a mistake, you are a man that is honest and caring. I am convinced that you are mine forever, I love you dearest.
100. Painting my lips with the love you have shared with me, I will forever love you as long as I live, the world is waiting for you to teach them how to love. Thank you my darling, for not thinking less of me. I love you now and forever.
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Suleman Shah

Suleman Shah

Suleman Shah is a researcher and freelance writer. As a researcher, he has worked with MNS University of Agriculture, Multan (Pakistan) and Texas A & M University (USA). He regularly writes science articles and blogs for science news website immersse.com and open access publishers OA Publishing London and Scientific Times. He loves to keep himself updated on scientific developments and convert these developments into everyday language to update the readers about the developments in the scientific era. His primary research focus is Plant sciences, and he contributed to this field by publishing his research in scientific journals and presenting his work at many Conferences. Shah graduated from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad (Pakistan) and started his professional carrier with Jaffer Agro Services and later with the Agriculture Department of the Government of Pakistan. His research interest compelled and attracted him to proceed with his carrier in Plant sciences research. So, he started his Ph.D. in Soil Science at MNS University of Agriculture Multan (Pakistan). Later, he started working as a visiting scholar with Texas A&M University (USA). Shah’s experience with big Open Excess publishers like Springers, Frontiers, MDPI, etc., testified to his belief in Open Access as a barrier-removing mechanism between researchers and the readers of their research. Shah believes that Open Access is revolutionizing the publication process and benefitting research in all fields.
Han Ju

Han Ju

Hello! I'm Han Ju, the heart behind World Wide Journals. My life is a unique tapestry woven from the threads of news, spirituality, and science, enriched by melodies from my guitar. Raised amidst tales of the ancient and the arcane, I developed a keen eye for the stories that truly matter. Through my work, I seek to bridge the seen with the unseen, marrying the rigor of science with the depth of spirituality. Each article at World Wide Journals is a piece of this ongoing quest, blending analysis with personal reflection. Whether exploring quantum frontiers or strumming chords under the stars, my aim is to inspire and provoke thought, inviting you into a world where every discovery is a note in the grand symphony of existence. Welcome aboard this journey of insight and exploration, where curiosity leads and music guides.
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