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50 Miracle Prayers For The Impossible To Happen Instantly

Ready to ask for the impossible? Here are 50 miracle prayers for instant results, perfect for moments when you need faith and hope most.

Author:Suleman Shah
Reviewer:Han Ju
Dec 09, 2024
As you wholeheartedly engage in miracle prayersfor seemingly impossible situations, hold steadfast to the truth that "nothing is impossible for God." While human strength has limits, God’s power knows no bounds-He is the one who can accomplish the impossible. Just bring your needs to Him with trust.
So, whenever you approach God with prayers for an instant miracle, come with confidence, believing in His power to change your situation. As you offer these prayers, let your heart be open and ready to receive His miracles.
Now, let’s explore these powerful miracle prayers for the impossible.

Powerful Miracle Prayers For The Impossible Situation

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Hebrews11:6). Seek Him now with these powerful miracle prayers for the impossible situationlisted below for you.
1. Dear Lord, you’ve got all the power in your hands. I believe I can depend on you even as I search for a better job. Please help me make the right choices, flood my heart with peace; by your mercy, open gates of blessings for me, and perform your miracle In my lifetoday. Amen.
2. My faithful God, I know you will never fail me. Please provide me with a new job opportunity according to your will. I put all my hope and aspirations before you. I know your thoughts and plans for me are good, far above my wildest dreams or imaginations. Let me know your peace and experience the miracle in your name.
3. Dear Lord, you have promised to give me victory over every form of challenge. I pray that you will fight for me as I go to bed tonight. Deliver me from every form of oppression tonight and let me enjoy a total victory. Amen.
4. Heavenly Father, please shield me from every form of satanic attack. No power can stand against you, all things were created through you, by you, and for you. Please be my shield and fortress, keep me safe under your mighty arms and let me be secured in you.
5. God of the universe, your presence brings peace and calmness to my soul. Your word promised peace and security when I sleep because you will hide me in your secret place. You are my prince of peace, I know I am not alone. Please let me be surrounded by your love, empowered by your spirit, and upheld by your unending joy. Amen.
6. Precious Father, thank you for always looking after me and my loved ones. King of glory, it is written in your word that I should ask, and it shall be given to me.
Today I ask for a financial miracle, I am stranded and I can’t help myself. Please stir the heart of everyone who locates me to help me. Send divine helpers to me today. Amen.
7. Father, you promised to satisfy me with long life and show me your salvation, but the doctor’s report says I have a few days to live unless there is a miracle. Now, Lord, I need this miracle.
8. Please send your healing power to take charge of my body. Send every filthy spirit of sickness away from my body, which is your temple. Let me experience miraculous healing in my body right now. Amen.
9. Thank you my God for the divine inspiration that you have given me to start a business, thank you for your blessings upon it to boom and thrive over the years. Dear Lord, recently, things are becoming hard, the business seems to be crashing and I’m scared I may lose all I have built over the years. Lord I need your divine intervention right now, please take control of the situation. Send your power and let me experience your miracle in my business. Amen.
10. My Lord, on several occasions have I experienced your greatness in my life. You do mighty and unimaginable things in my life. I give glory to your name. Dear Lord, I need your miracle in my life, everything seems not to be working at the moment, please take control of my life, let me experience a miraculous breakthrough in every aspect of my life. Amen.
11. Miracle working God, your power can move mountains, and there is none like you. My present help in times of trouble, please come to my rescue quickly. Manifest Your miracle-working power in my life and let my needs be met. Save me, and do not let me be put to shame.
12. My God, my life is in danger now, I have nowhere and no one to run to, but you alone. It is written in your word that if I trust in you, I shall be as Mount Zion, I shall not be shaken but endure forever. Please deliver me from this danger, protect me from the evildoers who have risen against me. Cause them to wander about and consume them by your fire. Amen.
13. My dear father, it is written in your word that children are gifts from you, and they are your heritage. My God, It has been difficult for me to conceive over the years, I have not experienced the joy of motherhood, I am down and heartbroken. Please Lord, by your miracle, let your power overshadow me today and get rid of every infertility problem in my life. Do a miracle in my life and cause me to laugh. Amen
14. My Father in Heaven, I am in serious debt and I’m worried. Please open doors of financial blessings for me, save me from the shame and pain of this debt in my life. Just like the way you performed a miracle through Elisha to save a widow and her two boys from their creditors, please perform miracles in my life too. Speak to me now and help me out of this shame. Amen
15. Dear Lord, enough of this chaos, let this place be filled with your peace that surpasses all understanding. Let there be an end to every form of trouble and instability in this home. Let every situation be turned around and let us all live in peace and harmony. Let our enemies be put to shame and let us work in victory forever. Amen.
16. Dear Lord, please rescue me quickly from every spirit of addiction. Rescue me by your love and let me not be put to shame. By your miracle, deliver me from the grip of drug and alcoholism abuse. Cause your face to shine upon me and help me live a clean and healthy life. Amen.
17. Father, we appreciate you for bringing us together as a husband and wife. Today we pray, that you intervene in our marriage and restore the love. Give us the grace to peacefully stay together as you have said in your word that two are better than one. Restore the joy of our homes and heal the pains we’ve inflicted on each other in the time past. Bind us with your cord of love and make our home a happy home once again. Amen.
18. Mighty God our marriage is tearing apart, as we are finding it hard to forgive each other. We no longer have peace in our marriage, and divorce seems like the only option. Dear Lord, we pray that you teach us to forgive each other. By your miracle, let us find peace and comfort in each other once again. Please visit our lives, strengthen us to fight for our marriage, and give us victory. Amen.
19. Dear Lord, comfort me with your soothing power in this period of my labor. You are my father and I’m yours forever. I am assured of my safety in your hands. I need your miracle right now to deliver this child. Please see me through this journey and let my heart be filled with the assurance of your love. Amen.
20. My loving God, I’m grateful for the grace and love that can only be enjoyed in you. I pray that I will experience your powerful presence as I give birth to this baby today. May I be surrounded by your peace, guided by your wisdom, and protected by your hand. Thank you Father for this miracle coming my way.
21. Father we thank you for the grace to be pregnant and the wonderful baby you gave us. Thank you for the wisdom you have given men to develop technologyto help save the lives of babies born prematurely. Thank you for casting out all fear and for giving us the faith to fight. Lord, even with the technology in place, we know it is your mighty power that can perform the miracle we need and save our baby. Father, please make our baby mature and healthy, and put the enemy to shame. Amen.
22. Father, I refute every tongue that rises against my newly born child inform of medical reports. Because you have said in your words that your plan for me is a plan of good and not of evil. I hold on and stand firm on the promises and I pray that my child that has been born prematurely receives power to grow healthy and mature according to your plans for her life. Please let us experience an instant miracle and let our baby live to declare your good works. Amen.
23. Dear Lord, I have given birth to this baby prematurely and it has been reported that he will not survive. I am in fear and disturbed. Father, before he was formed in my womb, you knew my child. I believe you have a good plan for my baby, and it is not over for him until you say it is over. Please send your miraculous power to this child and heal him of every infirmity. Shield him and keep him safe in your hands. Amen.
24. Father of lights, your word is a lamp to my feet, it guides me in the way I should go. I pray that you give me a good job this week. As I go out searching for a job, please open my eyes for me to see the wonderful opportunity you have placed before me. I know you are a merciful and ever-loving God. Please do a miracle in my life, and bless me with a good job.
25. God of all blessings, I look up to you for blessings. Please bless me with a good job opportunity, order my steps to the right opportunities, help me use my talent for your glory. Thank you for your miraculous blessings in my life. Amen.
26. Father, I am in a critical condition, which even, the experts cannot solve. You are my only solution and source of help. Lord I pray for an instant miracle right now, change my life by your power and let your power of resurrection come upon me. Let your miracle-working power be evident in my life.
27. Almighty God, I pray that you make my job interview a successful one. Give me that wisdom to answer the questions correctly and the conference to speak clearly. Lord, all my strength and confidence is in you, I have none of my own. I go in your strength and confidence, and I know you are with me.
28. God of all peace and comfort, as I go for this job interview, please Lord, give me a sound mind and a calm spirit. Help me not to be anxious or afraid. If you are for me, no one can be against me, please let the assurance of your presence cast out every fear, and let my result speak of your miracle. Amen.
29. Faithful God, my future is in your hands, before I was formed you knew me. You know my beginning and my future. You have promised to make all things work together for my good. Whatever the result of this interview, I know it is for my good and all for your glory. I know my future is secured in you and I will never be disappointed. I pray that you take total control and let your favor speak for me. Amen.
30. Loving Father, there is life in your word. You are powerful and compassionate. As I go for a job interview today, let my tongue be guided. Help me to say the right thing and answer the question with all clarity and boldness. Let your love and grace be evident in my life and let my life be a testimony of your miracle.
31. My God and my Shepherd, you are my guide and my provider. Thank you for your care for my life, and for leading me through the right path. As I go for this interview, let your goodness and mercy follow me. Let your anointing of excellence flow in my life, and let your power rest upon me.
Prayer Points For Miracle, Signs, And Wonders
Prayer Points For Miracle, Signs, And Wonders

Prayer Points For Miracle, Signs, And Wonders

At one point or the other in our lives, we will be in a situation where we need to experience miracles, signs, and wonders from God, to scale through different life challenges, and reinforce our faith in him. How then do we enjoy this? well, it is simply by asking, as it is written, “ask, and you shall receive.”
So, these prayer points for miracles, signs, and wonders with other powerful instant miracle prayers for the impossible are compiled to help you pray effectively and receive immediate answers to your prayers. Let’s delve into it.
32. Miracle worker, as I go in my career path, I need you to shed your light. Guide me and lead me through the way I should go. Help me profitably use my skills and talent, and see me through this phase of unemployment.
33. My Father and my God, as I’m about to prepare my resume, give me the wisdom and the understanding to focus on the right things that the employers will look out for. Help me prepare the best resume that will attract the interest of my employers. Please help me avoid mistakes and let this resume attract interviews, and eventually, employment.
34. My Father in heaven, it is written in your word that I should ask, and it shall be given to me. Today I ask that you heal me and help me recover from this life-threatening sickness. You are my healer and my rock, I put my hope in you, please let there be miracle, signs, and wonders in my life. Let me be comforted and enjoy life and its fullness in you. Amen.
35. Almighty God, my rock, and my salvation. In you, I find my refuge. Redemption and forgiveness of sins come from you. Please, heal my illness and diseases with your love and compassion. Please restore me to full health, and let your power work out salvation for me.
36. My Lord, you know all I need, you know I am weak and weary. And you have promised to give me strength when I’m weary and increase my power when I’m weak. Please comfort me when I’m distressed and help me live in harmony with you. Let your power perform miracles in my life, and let my life glorify you alone. Amen.
37. Dear Lord, nothing is impossible for you. You are the God who can do exceedingly abundantly far above what we ask or even imagine. Your disciples were able to heal the sick and perform other miracles you commanded them to do, because of your power in them. Pleases stretch your healing hand to me, and let me experience your miracle, signs, and wonders in my life.
38. My God, I pray today that you guide me into a sweet, long-lasting, beautiful, and healthy relationship. Please shield me from a harmful relationship. As I meet a new person, help me not to be carried away, help me to be smart and sensitive enough to see the important details. Please lead me to the right person who is the best for me, and will bring out the best in me.
39. Dear Lord, you are my wisdom and my guide. I’ve tried using my strength and wisdom to choose love for myself, but it has all been disappointing and heartbreaking. Today, let me experience your miracle, signs, and wonders in my marital life. Guide my heart and help me to make the right choice.
40. My loving father, I believe that you will lead that special person to me. Someone I can enjoy a peaceful and long-lasting relationship with. For now, help me to use my moment of being single wisely. I put my hope in you and I find my completeness in you and not my future spouse. I thank you for the good and perfect gift I will soon receive from you.
41. My wonderful God, please direct my husband to me today. The one that will love me as Christ loves the Church. A selfless, caring, and Godly man, the one that will live with me with kindness and compassion. I know nothing is impossible for you and I believe in your miracle-working power. Thank you Lord for this is happening faster than I expected. Amen.
42. Ever powerful God, let your presence be with my friend today. He is seriously ill, it seems like he can not handle it, and he has lost hope. Please send your miracle-working power, strengthen and comfort him in his weakness. You are our hope and strength. Thank you for miracles, signs, and wonders.
43. Dear Lord, there is no sickness and diseases that are too powerful for you. Lord, please, take away pain and sickness from the body of my friend. You are the powerful healer, our miracle-working God. I believe you will heal my friend and bring him joy and comfort again.
44. Lord, our healer, we need your miraculous hand to touch my sick mum and restore her health. Give her victory over the sicknesses and diseases in her body. Our great physician, please intervene now, and let there be miracles, signs, and wonders.
45. Jehovah Rapha, I think of how you healed a man possessed by Legion, and I find peace and I’m comforted because it assures me that you are more powerful than every form of sicknesses and diseases. Dear Lord, I pray that as my mum is facing this battle of deteriorating mental health, you will be with her and restore her miraculously. Take away our shame and restore our joy.
46. Our merciful and faithful God, my daddy has been facing a difficult situation. He is sick, he hasn’t been able to work, and bills are adding up. Lord, I pray for your miracle today. Please provide the money he needs to take care of himself and the family. Restore his health, ease him of financial stress, and calm his mind. Amen.
47. Lord, we call forth your healing power from above. You are the only one who can heal completely. Just Like you healed a woman with the issue of blood by your miraculous power, please let there be miracles, signs, and wonders in this place today. As we lift our hands to you, please restore us and make us whole.
48. Father we thank you because you have made us in your image. I am sure that your power to deliver is at work in me. As we go for this hospital visit, let there be miracles, signs, and wonders. Let your people be physically, mentally, and emotionally healed. We believe in and receive your healing power because you are a great physician.
49. Dear Lord, we have come boldly to the throne of grace, that we might receive mercy in this time of need. We pray that as we go for this hospital visit, please let every need be met, let people’s health be restored. Strength us and give us testimonies. Amen
50. Merciful God, thank you for this baby you have given me. Thank you for your blessings and great miracles in my life, please Lord, I pray for a healthy baby, I say no to miscarriage and I will not be barren again by your mercy. Thank you, Father, because the baby will have a full life span.
51. My God, thank you for my life. Today I commit myself to your faithful hand, please provide a job for me. Your word says all good and perfect gift comes from you, let me not lean on my own understanding. Please direct my path as I search for a job. Guide me to the exact job that you desire for me, that I may live for your glory. Amen.
I’m sure this list of miracle prayers for the impossible will greatly inspire and encourage you to pray your way into miracles and total victory.
I encourage you to share these prayers with your loved ones and help them also experience a peaceful life, full of miracles, signs, and wonders.
I will also like to hear your testimonies, share with me how this post has been helpful to you in the comment section.
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Suleman Shah

Suleman Shah

Suleman Shah is a researcher and freelance writer. As a researcher, he has worked with MNS University of Agriculture, Multan (Pakistan) and Texas A & M University (USA). He regularly writes science articles and blogs for science news website immersse.com and open access publishers OA Publishing London and Scientific Times. He loves to keep himself updated on scientific developments and convert these developments into everyday language to update the readers about the developments in the scientific era. His primary research focus is Plant sciences, and he contributed to this field by publishing his research in scientific journals and presenting his work at many Conferences. Shah graduated from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad (Pakistan) and started his professional carrier with Jaffer Agro Services and later with the Agriculture Department of the Government of Pakistan. His research interest compelled and attracted him to proceed with his carrier in Plant sciences research. So, he started his Ph.D. in Soil Science at MNS University of Agriculture Multan (Pakistan). Later, he started working as a visiting scholar with Texas A&M University (USA). Shah’s experience with big Open Excess publishers like Springers, Frontiers, MDPI, etc., testified to his belief in Open Access as a barrier-removing mechanism between researchers and the readers of their research. Shah believes that Open Access is revolutionizing the publication process and benefitting research in all fields.
Han Ju

Han Ju

Hello! I'm Han Ju, the heart behind World Wide Journals. My life is a unique tapestry woven from the threads of news, spirituality, and science, enriched by melodies from my guitar. Raised amidst tales of the ancient and the arcane, I developed a keen eye for the stories that truly matter. Through my work, I seek to bridge the seen with the unseen, marrying the rigor of science with the depth of spirituality. Each article at World Wide Journals is a piece of this ongoing quest, blending analysis with personal reflection. Whether exploring quantum frontiers or strumming chords under the stars, my aim is to inspire and provoke thought, inviting you into a world where every discovery is a note in the grand symphony of existence. Welcome aboard this journey of insight and exploration, where curiosity leads and music guides.
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