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100 Powerful Prayer Points With Scripture References

Transform your spiritual practice with 100 potent prayer points, complete with scripture references for a more meaningful connection to your faith.

Author:Suleman Shah
Reviewer:Han Ju
Aug 22, 2024
Prayer points with scripture references can not be perfectly understood without knowing what’s meant to pray effectively. Prayer is communication between you and God. And more importantly, Praying or communing with God is the secret place where your soul finds comfort and inner strength.
No individual in the community of faith can survive alone without being given effective prayers. James 5:16 put it just right “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
Along this line of thought, it’s also true, that mere intellect can not suffice in engaging what lifehurls at us daily. So, the surest means to position yourself in the place of triumph with respect to the finished work of Christ is through effective prayers.
And of course, I understand that we often pray, and yet it seems we are not praying enough as we ought to pray. Have you perhaps thought that prayers are not effective in times of trouble? No worries! I know and I am persuaded that you will find a tremendous help with these effective prayer points with scriptural references.
Do you remember, it is said in Psalm 138: 2 “for You have exalted Your word above all Your name?” Prayer points with Bible references will help you pray with the understanding that you are communicating your deepest heart desires to God and that you are praying from a standpoint of the victory Christ has won for you.
The scripture stands as the source for every word we utter in faith through our Lord Jesus Christ. Prayer points with scriptures are prayers that are built solely on the word of God. Matt 7:7 says “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”
When we say words of prayer with scriptural reference, the result we get is positive because of our sole confidence in the scriptural verses of the Bible. Are you thinking of how this is going to work out?
It will interest you to know Jesus overcame the temptation of the devil using scriptural verses. Below are prayer points with Bible verse that can help in your daily conversation with God. Enjoy!
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Effective Prayer Points With Scripture References

Prayers undoubtedly determine our growth in God. Our growth in God is the result of effective prayer and obedience to God’s word. Prayer with scriptural verses helps your spirit to understand that God is not a man and that he should lie.
Sometimes, the devil flashes thoughts of unbelief in our hearts, such that we question the effectiveness of our prayer. Effective prayer points are however the prayer of faith. Hebrews 11:1 says “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
Your faith in God will prove how much you believe in God and His word. There are prayer points attached with scripture references below to help you utter effective prayers.
1. I believe Jesus gave His life for me, He told me I will not die but live because He has given me eternal life. So, today I declare that I am no longer a slave to sin because I have the everlasting life of Christ.
Jesus loved me so much that He gave His life for me and I am certain His sacrifice of love will help me live in His nature. I pray that the nature of flesh dies daily in His love always. Amen. John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 15:31.
2. Jesus, I pray that my spirit will align with Your Spirit so that I may worship and reverence You in the splendor of your majesty. I have come to the understanding through the scripture that the true worshipers must worship You in spirit and truth.
I ask for the grace to adore You according to the knowledge of Your Spirit in me. I ask that I may forever be a carrier of Your Spirit to give you that acceptable worship you deserve. John 4: 24.
3. Lord Jesus, I pray this day that I am dead to the life I live before You came into my life. You told me old things are passed away and so I utter these words of affirmation that I am no longer moved by the desire of the past.
I receive freedom from every guilt of my old life because I am now a carrier of a new life, I am controlled by the new Life, eternal life. My past has nothing to do with me anymore because Jesus has made me new. Thank you, Jesus. Amen. 2 Cor 5:17.
4. Father, You said in your word that my heart will be where my treasure is. I pray Lord that You will help my heart to be focused on the kingdom. Lord, I pray that may my heart will not lose the heavenly treasure that You have laid in store for my diligence in seeking You. Today, my heart will be set apart for You Lord alone. Amen. Matthew 6:33.
5. Lord, when my heart is depressed, confused, or overwhelmed with issues help me. Give me the grace to utter words of faith through prayer. You have said in Your word pray without ceasing. Lord teach me to pray until prayer becomes my lifestyle. I these 5:17.
6. Father, speak Your word to my weary soul this day. Let Your word accomplish its purpose for my weary soul. Let my soul blossom in your word, let Your word come to manifestationin my life. Isaiah 55: 11
7. My Lord Jesus pray for me just as you prayed for Peter. Let me by the power of your resurrection and strength defeat the power of the activities of the flesh nature in me. Let me not play the role of a fool in the ignorance of the flesh. Amen. Luke 22:32.
8. I have come before You Lord motionless and speechless. Let my soul chant the language of heaven. Make intercessions for me lord through Your eternal Spirit. Help me to utter words of prayer that my intellect and emotion can’t generate. This is my prayer, Lord. Rom 8:26.
9. Father, help me to always acknowledge the truth about Your life and help me have more faith in You. Give me the grace to identify that You are the truth and it is only You who can make me free. Help me to be true to my process of building. Lord don’t let the deception of the enemy carve a room in my heart. John 14:6.
10. Lord, You said that “I can do anything without You.” I pray that You will teach me to live life according to Your leadership and instruction. I receive grace to walk in the path You have instituted for me. I receive grace to believe in Your direction because Your direction is my secret place and safety. Psalm 32: 4

Prayer Points For Divine Favor

Prayer points for divine favor is a prayer every human being prays for. Divine favor is a special attributethat makes the ordinary become extraordinary. Have you met with individuals whose ability does not match the reward they get? Yes! You must have seen many. It is not about who they are, it is about God granting them His favor.
An individual can be a partaker of divine favor! Prayer with verse references will help you say prayers for divine favor. Praying with the scripture will open your heart to the reality that we can all be a candidate for divine favor.
Yes! We can be favored because our Savior Jesus found favor with God Luke 2: 52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Looking for prayer for divine favor from God? You don’t need to worry as prayer points for divine favor will help you. Below are prayers for divine favor.
11. Lord Jesus, I come before You to request your favor. You are all I desire God and I follow the path of truth. Oh God, you are my strength and wisdom. I trust not in my Intellect, family, or wealth. Please let me be privileged to obtain favor in Your sight. Proverbs 12:2.
12. Lord, favor me with Your angelic presence and let me be a carrier of grace unmerited in Jesus’ name. Lord, I pray that You will reveal the mysteries of the kingdom to me in Jesus’ name. Luke 1:28.
13. Father, give me the grace to obey you so that I can be blessed from generation to generation just as You blessed Abraham after he listened to Your voice of direction. Lord, I pray that You will help me to take the necessary step that leads me to enjoy unlimited favor for myself and my Family. Gen 12: 1-3.
14. Lord help me to find favor in your sight. Let my life attracts blessing, grace, and wisdom. Lord give answers to my weary soul, do not allow me to be left out of Your unlimited favor. Lord visit me with your favor. Gen 18:3
15. Lord, I pray that the work of my hands is established in your favor. Lord, I pray that you will bless the work of my hands at all costs. Cast Your eye of favor upon everything I lay my hands on and enlarge my coast, Lord Jesus. Psalm 90:17.
16. Father, do not let me embark on anything that will take me away from your favor. Lord help me to always listen to your teachings. Open my ears to hear your word so that I may be favored in everything I do. Proverbs 3:1-35.
17. Father, break every protocol for me just as You broke protocol for Queen Esther. Open doors of opportunity for me Lord where I least expect. Esther 5: 1-2.
18. Father, I pray that You will not give sleep to my helper just as the king couldn’t sleep until he honored Mordecai. Lord, I pray that You remember me for good in Jesus’ name. Esther 6: 1-14.
19. Father, bless me with Your presence so much that everywhere I go people will be blessed for my sake. Lord, I pray that my glory will shine in a strange land and I will rule over them. Genesis 39: 3-5.
20. Father, let your favor fish me out of the wilderness just as you singled out David from among his brethren. Lord, enrich me with Your oil of honor and grace. 1 Samuel 16:11-3.

Prayer Points For Breakthrough

The world is filled with billions of people trying to make ends meet. The output of every struggle is survival. The word “survival” can be summarized as the need to eat and live. However, some actually live beyond the survival status quo because they are blessed beyond measure. This poses a surprise to all and sundry because it is beyond human comprehension.
Does it actually mean we can’t be all that we want to be without struggling? On the contrary, we can be all we want to be in life through our Lord Jesus. So, all you need to do is leverage on prayer points for a breakthrough.
Don’t be surprised to know that they are breakthrough prayers in the scriptures. The Bible actually provides supplications with scriptures that can be used to command a jaw-dropping breakthrough.
We only need to search them out, pray and believe. The Bible recorded the prayer that turned around the story of Jabez in 1chronicles 4:9-10 “And Jabez was more honorable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying because I bare him with sorrow.
And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.”
You can break your way through with these prayer points for breakthroughssourced from the scriptural verses of the Bible. Below are some backed-up scriptural references to help you out.
21. Lord Jesus, I receive grace to trust Your will over my life. I receive the spirit of endurance to wait for the promise of God so that my end will be prosperous and glorious. Jer 29:11.
22. I believe I am going to succeed and have dominion. I believe God will open doors of opportunity for me. I believe success is mine because nothing is impossible for God to do. Matthew 19:26.
23. Everything I lay my hands on henceforth shall prosper. I will not record failure again because my God never fails. He strengthened my heart and mind to achieve great and excellent success. Philippians 4:13.
24. Father, I arise and do exploits in every area of my life. Lord, lift me up from the shambles I am in. Let the glory of the Lord fall heavily upon me for greater success and achievement. Isaiah 60:1.
25. Lord help me to obey Your word every day of my life so that I may enjoy the eternal prosperity You provide for the one who obeys You. Lord, help to not neglect the understanding of obeying You. Job 36:11
26. Lord, I overcome failure in Jesus’ name. Lord, I come against every decree that is speaking against my destiny and I overcome such testimony by the blood of the Lamb Rev 12:11.
27. I decree the blessings of heaven over my life, family, career, and ministry. Lord connect everything that concerns me to the supernatural source. Ephesians 1: 3.
28. Lord, I have full confidence in Your word. I believe You would answer my prayer and lift me up. I know Lord it’s Your desire that I succeed and prosper. I know that you want the best for me. 1 John 5: 14.
29. Lord, do a new thing in my life. Open doors of opportunity for me. Bring me out of my wilderness of failure. Lord, let the world know through me that You are a God of wonders. Isaiah 43:19.
30. Lord, give me the grace to do Your will so that I may eat the fruit of the land which you have given to your children who obey and do Your will. Isaiah 1:19.

Prayer Points For Family

There is nothing as important as a family in this world of our time. However, the devil is on a mission to destroy the peace of families all over the world. This is the reason it is important for families to pray together at all times in the unity of faith. Prayer points for the family will help you to pray for the right payers for your family.
The Bible provides us with powerful words that can be channeled into prayers for our beloved family. prayers with a scriptural reference can make our prayer time with our family unique and outstanding.
Are you experiencing difficulty in your home? Don’t feel bad, all you need to do is to pray with prayer points for familysourced from the living scripture. Your family belongs to God and it is certain He will listen to your heart’s burden concerning your family.
Romans 12:5 says “So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. It is not just about family, it is about God being in your family. You can do that with these prayer points with scripture verses that are tailor-made for the family.
31. Father, help my children to know you more. Lord help them to grow in the wisdom of your truth. Let your truth guides their thoughts, ideas, emotions, and desires. Father teaches them to impart their children with the knowledge of the truth. Proverbs 17: 6.
32. Lord, You are our strength in times of need. Please help us, Lord, to forgive one other just as You have always forgiven us when we ask You. Lord, help everyone in the family understand the subtle issue behind every anger and teach us to know that forgiveness is a command. Colossians 3:13.
33. Father, we pray that You will help us to always acknowledge You as our Helper. Lord, help us not to trade our salvation with anything in the world. Lord, help our family to win more souls for Your kingdom. Amen Act 16:31-34.
34. Lord, I pray for my family and me that You will protect us from any form of evil as we set out for our daily business. Lord, I pray that You will be our refuge in days of trouble and distress. Amen Psalm 46: 1.
35. Lord Jesus, I pray that You will bless each of my family members. I pray that we shall have dominion everywhere we step our feet on. Our name, Lord Jesus, will be heard all over the world for good in Jesus’ name. Amen. Gen 28:14.
36. Lord, help us to understand every season in our lives so we can able to do what is right at all times. Lord plant in our hearts the consciousness of time so that we can fulfill Your plan in our lives. Amen. Eccl 3:1-2.
37. Lord, I commit my family into your hands because we derive our name from You. Lord, I ask that You help us to value You more than anything in this life. We ask that you teach us to always remember You because You are the source of our existence. Ephesians 3:14-15.
38. Lord, we stand in Your righteous act. We believe and walk in Your righteousness because we know that You protect our home from falling apart. Lord, we pray that You will help us to uphold righteousness in our home. Psalm 12:7.
39. Lord, I ask for the grace to teach my children about You. Help me Lord to train them with the kingdom principles so that when they grow old they will not depart from it. Prov 22:26.
40. Lord Jesus, I pray that You will help my children to honor You as they grow older. Father help my children to understand the words of caution that are given to groom them daily so that they may live long. Exodus 20: 13.

Prayer Points For Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is essential for every believer to know more about God. The desire to know God increases our knowledge about Him when we become intentional about seeking Him. One desire of God is to see us grow from being ignorant to wise men and women of the spirit.
Prayer is the key to achieving spiritual growth. This is why you can make use of prayer points for spiritual growth in your quiet time and study God’s word.
Apostle Paul said in his pursuit for spiritual growth in Philippians 3:10-12 That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Below are prayer points for spiritual growth sourced from scriptural verses of the Bible.
41. Lord Jesus, I pray You will make me understand the mysteries of Your nature and kingdom through the revelation of the word. Lord, I pray that You will grant unto me the spirit of wisdom to understand the things of the spirit. Amen. Ephesians 1:17.
42. Father, let Your word build, transform and modify my life. Lord let your word sanctify me of every ignorance that can keep me from knowing more about you. John 17: 17.
43. Father help me to show forth the wonders You have planted in me. Father, let my life reflect Your glory in me, and let my life be a blessing to Your kingdom. Let my life pull people to Christ in Jesus’ name. Amen. Matthew 5:16.
44. Lord by Your mercy please make me a vessel of honor in your house. Lord help me to serve you in an acceptable way. Lord refine and buildme until I become a vessel of God that can bring tangible glory to God. 2 Timothy 2:20.
45. Father Lord, I pray that You will grant me spiritual understanding and wisdom that will help me to render fruitful service before You. Lord, I pray that You will give me the grace not to neglect words from Your throne daily in Jesus’ name. Amen. 1 Cor 1:9 .10.
46. Lord, help me to seek Your kingdom above ambition, money, marriage, and career. Lord open my heart to yield to Your will. Lord help me to seek You so that I can be blessed from above. Amen. Matthew 6:33.
47. Lord, thank You for your will concerning my life. Lord, I thank You that You have bestowed upon me the understanding of Your will. Thank You for giving me the grace to obey Your will. I these 5:18.
48. Lord, I pray that You will continue to increase in my life. Father, please take control of my spirit until all that’s left of me is You. Lord, let my desire increase in my pursuit of You. Amen John 30:30.
49. Lord, please help me encounter Your love. Lord give me the grace to know how big Your love is for me. Lord, let me live in the knowledge of Your love. Ephesians 3:17. 18.
50. Lord, I pray that You will grant me the spirit of discernment in the days of my tribulation. Lord, I pray you would help me to understand that glory awaits me whenever I am going through tribulation. Lord, give me the grace to always know You are the light at the end of the tunnel. Ephesians 3:11-13.

Prayer Points For Financial Breakthrough

Do you need a turnaround in your finances? You can pray using prayer points for financial breakthroughs backed up with scriptural references below.
51. Father, open the windows of heaven concerning my enterprise. Lord, Jesus bless my seasons of harvest with Your Spirit of prosperity. Father, remove my name from the list of debtors and make me a lender to nations. Amen Deuteronomy 28: 12.
52. Father, bring the helper of my destiny. Father, please do not allow my hands to beg for money. Bless my little effort to yield great profit. Lord, bless me beyond human comprehension. Proverbs 10:22.
53. Father, I decree that I will not lack anything good. I decree that I am rich because my God is rich and wealthy. I believe in Your words, Lord and I know that You will provide all of my needs and desires according to Your riches in glory. Amen Philippians 4:19.
54. Lord, Jesus open Your heaven on me and bless the desire of my heart. Father give me the grace to rejoice over Your provision every day of my life. Psalm 145:16.
55. Father, I thank You for Your promise of increase on all sides. Lord, I pray that You will continually multiply and increase me. Father, anything I lay my hands upon shall be blessed in Jesus’ name. Amen. Deuteronomy 28: 11.
56. Father, I ask that You will direct my path and lead my destiny to a path where I will achieve success. Lord, I pray that I will only work where You have predestined for me. Lord, I pray that you will bless me tremendously any time I call you. Amen. Jeremiah 33:3.
57. Father, I trust Your promises upon my life. Lord, I decree that I will be a tree planted by the waterside. Lord, I pray that I will not be stagnant but I will blossom and prosper in Jesus’ name. Psalm 17:7-8.
58. Lord, I pray You will cause Your face to shine on me. Lord, may every area of my life find favor in Your sight oh Lord. Lord, I pray that You will help me to be fruitful in every area of my life. Amen Numbers 6:24-26.
59. Lord, please let Your blood cancel any form of dryness in my financial life. Lord, I will not cry over my finance in Jesus’ name. Lord, I believe that You died for me and I know Your resurrection is the hope of a blissful living to come. Romans 8:32.
60. Lord, I pray that You grant me rest on all sides. Lord, I pray that I shall be greatly blessed to make exploits. Father, I pray that Your presence will dry every pain in my life. Father, I pray for peace over my enterprise in Jesus’ name. Psalm 71:21.

Prayers For Business Success

God is interested in your business prospering. Here are prayers for business success you can pray to generate a new strategy to achieve greater success in your business.
61. Lord, I receive grace for spiritual discernmentfor the growth of my business. Lord, I pray that I will not run my business with mere intellect but enrich me with divine understanding. I will run the business according to Your direction because it is only with You that my business can survive. Ephesians 6:18.
62. Father, I will trust You in the midst of every problem I encounter in my business. Lord, I know You will help me to make the right decisions that will bring about great change.
Lord, I know that when all strategies fail You will always be there to save me from anxietyand give me hope. Father, I know You will be my shepherd in the midst of my competitors. Psalm 23:1-4.
63. Father, I do not have the strength of my own. I have tried everything I can to achieve success in my business but God my strength failed anytime I tried. Lord, I ask that You will visit my weary bone with Your life of glory and help me to achieve great success in my business. Job 6:11-13.
64. Lord help my business to achieve success. Lord, bless my business to help me lift burdens off my family’s shoulders. Bless my business to give help to the poor, needy, orphans, and widows. Help my business to be a blessing to my nation. Romans 15:2-3.
65. Father, I ask that You will enlarge the coast of my business. Lord, I pray that Your presence will continue to be with me and my business. Lord, I pray that You will grant my heart’s desire concerning my business. Matthew 21:22.
66. Father, I am certain that You are with me. Lord, I am not afraid of the pressure I get in my business because You are with me. Father, I know You are with me in the midst of the challenges I go through and You are always there to help me. Isaiah 41:10.
67. Father, I thank You for blessing me with a strategy to groom my business. Lord, I do not despise my little beginning because I know you will make the future of my business bright. Zechariah 4:10.
68. Father, teach me how to understand my customers more and how to serve them better. Help me to spread my love during the process of every transaction in my business. Let my business be an avenue to spread the gospel. Psalm 119:64.
69. Father, I have sown in sweat and pain to see my business grow. Lord, I pray that You will reward me with Your weight of glory. Lord, I pray that I shall harvest plenty after going through the pain of grooming my business.
Father, I pray that I will trust You to help me and I will be faithful to my customer because I know the days of the tremendous harvest are coming. 2 Corinthians. 4: 17.
70. Father, my business will be best to reckon with both far and near. Lord, I know that my strategies are going to work out because You put them on my mind. Lord, I believe in the capabilities You have invested in me and I know that I will make a great success. Proverbs 23:7.

Prayer Points For Mercy And Favour

God is great to those who serve Him. We all get to a point in our lives when we come to the realization that we are a product of God’s mercy and favor. Apostle Paul in Ephesians 2:8 explains that “our salvation is not by our power but by the grace of God.”
Mercy and favor are two sides of a coin. The mercy of the Lord attracts the favor of God and the same is true for God’s favor. Pray your way through by praying with prayer points for mercy and favor.
71. Father, have mercy and forgive my sins. Lord, help me to correct every wrong act and grant me the grace to remain in Your presence. Father, I call upon You Lord for mercy and I know that You will have mercy upon me. Psalm 86:5.
72. Father, help me to forgive othersjust as You forgive me, Lord. Lord help me to speak words of Your grace to every heart that is full of hurts. Luke 6: 36.
73. Father, I have come before Your throne of mercy to seek Your mercy. Lord, I pray that Your favor will grant me the opportunity to Your throne of grace and unlimited Joy. Hebrews 4:
74. Lord, I pray that by Your mercy You will make a candidate of favor. Lord, I pray that I will find favor in Your sight. Father, I pray that Your mercy will continually speak for me all the days of my life. Psalm 90:17.
75. Father, do not withhold Your mercy and love from me. Father help me to find favor in your sight. Father, please continue to watch over my going out and coming in. Psalm 40:11.
76. Father, by Your mercy, bless me with wisdom and let Your favor grant me the understanding that I need to succeed in life. Help me to be righteous and just indeed. Mathew 9:13.
77. Father, I thank You for saving me and I give You the glory that Your mercy made me worthy of Your divine favor. Lord, I thank You for saving me from the power of sin and death. Ephesians 2: 4-5.
78. Father, I ask for the grace to wait upon Your loving kindness. Father, let my life be oiled by your mercy and favor. Lord, help me not to live on my own accord and guide me on the path of truth. Isaiah 30:18.
79. Father, forgive me of every sin that stands in my of greatness. Lord, grant me mercy over every display of ignorance. Father, let Your mercy grant me grace in Your sight. Psalm 25:6-7.
80. Father, please help me not to take your mercy for granted. Lord help me to remain in Your Favor as I do Your will. Lord help me to detest sin for Your mercy and favor are all I desire. Romans 6:15.

Breakthrough Prayers For Marriage

Marriage is an institution God loves so much. Marriage offers companionship that can not be given by your parents, siblings, and friends. Find below effective breakthrough prayers for marriage.
81. Father, I pray that my spouse and I will always remain inseparable. Lord, I pray that our thoughts and ideas shall align in one direction. Lord, I pray we shall be physically and spiritually close in Jesus’ name. Ephesians 5: 31.
82. Father, I pray that You will help my spouse and me to be bonded in unity. Father I pray may You keep us bonded in the spirit of truth. Father, we pray that we will be united to serve You all the days of our life. Ephesians 4:3.
83. Father, we depend on You to build our home on the foundation of understanding and wisdom. Lord, we pray that You will continue to rule our home in your mercy. We pray that You will help us not lean on our own understanding. Proverbs 3:3-5.
84. Father, I thank and praise You because You have blessed our union with Your presence. Father, I thank You because You have made us do wondrous things through Your beautiful name. I thank You because we will continue to be a wonder to the world. Psalm 9:1.
85. Father, we pray that You would help us to trust in You always. Lord, we pray that You help us to make our request known through thanksgiving and supplication. Father, we pray that we will not be anxious about our finances because we believe You keep us in peace. Philippians 4:6.
86. Father, help us to respect and love one another just have You have commanded. Father, help us to value our feelings according to our knowledge of Your truth. Teach us to love one another tirelessly for the rest of our life. Ephesians 5:32.
87. Father, we come against every altar that wants to destroy our marriage. Father, we pray that You silence every mouth that wants to destroy the peace of our marriage. 2 Corinthians 10:4.
88. Father, we put on Your whole armor and we pray that by Your power we come against every darkness militating against the peace of our marriage. We destroy the will of the devil concerning our marriage. Ephesians 6:11-13.
89. Lift up your head O ye gates of bitterness and unforgiveness for the king of glory has come to rule in my marriage. Every attitude that does not glorify the kingdom of God is flushed out of my marriage in Jesus’ name. Psalm 24:7.
90. Father, help us to solve the misunderstanding in our marriage. Lord, I pray that You will listen to my cry. Peace is what we desire in our marriage. Psalm 27: 7.

Prayer Points To Recover All

There is nothing prayer can’t do! Prayer can help you recover all you have lost physically and spiritually. The good newsis that God is always ready to restore all that we have lost. All we just need to do is render our hearts in prayer. Here are prayer points to recover all that will surely help you to recover all.
91. Father, I receive my spiritual sight and focus in Jesus’ name. Father, I pray that You will open my spiritual eyes. Father, I pray that You will restore the eyes of my heart so that I can seek the kingdom without ignorance. Luke 18:41.
92. Father, I pray that you will restore my healthand grant me good health in my body system. Lord, I pray that my body system will receive the touch of Your healing in Jesus’ name. 2 Kings 20: 1-10.
93. Father, I overcome every form of bitterness and envy that lives in me. Lord, I pray You will restore and fill me with the oil of gladness. Lord, I pray that the Holy Spirit will help to minister love and grace to my heart. Job 19:18.
94. Father, I pray that You will help me recover from being weary in my bone, flesh, and spirit. Father, I pray that You will restore to me the strength of my youth so that I can be able to stand and accomplish every of my desire. Job 33:25.
95. Father, I retrieve my glory from the hands of the evil ones. Lord, I recover my glory from every kingdom of darkness. I declare that my glory will begin to burst forth from where it has been hidden in Jesus’ name. Isaiah 11:11.
96. Father, I am delivered from every bondage of the devil. Lord, I ask that You will grant my spirit freedom from the grip of darkness and I decree that I am free from every evil spirit. Hosea 2:9.
97. Father, I have come in Your powerful name to take everything the devil had stolen from me. Lord, I ask that You will help me to recover every clothing of glory to cover my nakedness and shame. Hosea 2:9.
98. Father, I pray that You will grant peace to my spirit. Father, I pray that you will save me from being anxious and depressed. Father, I pray for the indwelling of Your presence. Lord, please grant me stability in the spirit. Isaiah 38:16.
99. Father, I pray that You will help me recover every property the devil has stolen. Lord, I pray that You will help me restore the love of every loved one who has turned their back on me. Father, I pray that You will help me recover every possession that I have been ripped off. I Samuel 30: 8.
100. Father, I pray that You will save me from every force of death and sin. Lord Jesus, I pray You will restore life to my dying spirit. Lord, I pray that today my soul will receive freedom from distress. Amen. Mark 5:23.
101. And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Let there be a miracle from You to solve my financial crisis even now in Jesus’ name. Amen. Philippians 4:19
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Suleman Shah

Suleman Shah

Suleman Shah is a researcher and freelance writer. As a researcher, he has worked with MNS University of Agriculture, Multan (Pakistan) and Texas A & M University (USA). He regularly writes science articles and blogs for science news website immersse.com and open access publishers OA Publishing London and Scientific Times. He loves to keep himself updated on scientific developments and convert these developments into everyday language to update the readers about the developments in the scientific era. His primary research focus is Plant sciences, and he contributed to this field by publishing his research in scientific journals and presenting his work at many Conferences. Shah graduated from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad (Pakistan) and started his professional carrier with Jaffer Agro Services and later with the Agriculture Department of the Government of Pakistan. His research interest compelled and attracted him to proceed with his carrier in Plant sciences research. So, he started his Ph.D. in Soil Science at MNS University of Agriculture Multan (Pakistan). Later, he started working as a visiting scholar with Texas A&M University (USA). Shah’s experience with big Open Excess publishers like Springers, Frontiers, MDPI, etc., testified to his belief in Open Access as a barrier-removing mechanism between researchers and the readers of their research. Shah believes that Open Access is revolutionizing the publication process and benefitting research in all fields.
Han Ju

Han Ju

Hello! I'm Han Ju, the heart behind World Wide Journals. My life is a unique tapestry woven from the threads of news, spirituality, and science, enriched by melodies from my guitar. Raised amidst tales of the ancient and the arcane, I developed a keen eye for the stories that truly matter. Through my work, I seek to bridge the seen with the unseen, marrying the rigor of science with the depth of spirituality. Each article at World Wide Journals is a piece of this ongoing quest, blending analysis with personal reflection. Whether exploring quantum frontiers or strumming chords under the stars, my aim is to inspire and provoke thought, inviting you into a world where every discovery is a note in the grand symphony of existence. Welcome aboard this journey of insight and exploration, where curiosity leads and music guides.
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