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Mischievous Norse God Meaning - Crossword Clue

In Norse mythology, the mischievous Norse god was a crafty trickster with the power to alter his gender and appearance. He was counted among the Aesir even though his father was the enormous Fárbauti (a tribe of gods).

Author:Suleman Shah
Reviewer:Han Ju
Aug 31, 2022
In Norse mythology, themischievous Norse godwas a crafty trickster with the power to alter his gender and appearance.
He was counted among the Aesir even though his father was the enormous Fárbauti (a tribe of gods).
The mischievous norse god was portrayed as the friend of the powerful gods Odin and Thor, aiding them with his cunning schemes but also causing trouble for both of them and himself.
He also assumed the form of the gods' adversary, barging into their meal without their permission and demanding their wine.
He was mostly responsible for the deity Balder's demise.
The mischievous Norse god was punished by being chained to a rock (by the entrails of one or more of his sons, according to certain traditions), which is why he shares many similarities with Prometheus and Tantalus from Greek mythology.
The god of fire, Loki, is compared to Prometheus.
The mischievous Norse god gave birth to Hel, the goddess of death; Jörmungand, the snake that encircles the globe; and Fenrir (Fenrislfr).
The wolf, with the female giant Angerboda (Angrboda: "Distress Bringer").
Odin's eight-legged horse, Sleipnir, is also linked to Loki for giving birth to it.
The place of Loki in pre-Christian Scandinavia is still unclear.
The medieval sources from which most of what is known about Loki comes do not provide any trace of a cult, and the name Loki does not exist in place names.

The Identity Of Loki

My teacher once questioned why we have yet to discover any monuments that are considered to depict the deity Loki during a presentation on Viking artifacts.
Following a brief conversation, she offered her hypothesis:
The mischievous Norse god is a god of chaos.
You would pray to the other gods to keep Loki at bay rather than to Loki himself.
Even though the pagan Scandinavians probably didn't like Loki, his popularity has grown recently along with a renewed interest in Norse mythology.
This is likely due to Tom Hiddleston's portrayal of Loki in the Marvel movies.
Loki has been portrayed in modern culture in a variety of ways, from the evil figure in Neil Gaiman's American Gods to the perplexed character in Joanne Harris' Runemarks, yet they all essentially follow the same pattern.
The mischievous norse god is frequently described as naughty and self-serving, yet endearing and charming.
He is frequently shown as the antagonist despite rarely being the classic "evil person".
Although Loki is portrayed consistently in popular culture, there isn't much of Loki in Norse mythology that is constant.
Snow Covered Trees Across Road
Snow Covered Trees Across Road

Is Loki Male Or Female?

Not only is Loki's parenting an example of his violating gender expectations in Norse mythology.
Throughout the story, his gender changes.
In mythologies and popular culture, including this blog article, Loki is frequently referred to as a guy.
This, however, is not always the case.
In the story known as Rymskvia, Thor and Loki must pose as Freyja and her handmaiden to retrieve Thor's hammer Mjölnir from a Jötunn monarch named Thrym in the story known as Rymskvia (or Thrymskvida, "the Lay of Thrym").
The book continues to refer to Thor as a man, even though he is not.
When Loki is in disguise, the story is told with female pronouns, which shows that his transformation into a handmaiden is much more.
Then Loki spake, the son of Laufey:
“As thy maid-servant thither I go with thee; We two shall haste to the giants' home.”
Hard by there sat the serving-maid wise,
So well she answered the giant's words:
“From food has Freyja eight nights fasted, so hot was her longing for Jotunheim.”
Additionally, although Loki is the father of the bulk of his offspring, he is also the mother of one.
In one of the tales found in Gylfaginning ("The Beguiling of Gylfi"), Loki disguises himself as a female horse to distract the stallion Svadilfari from his task.
Loki comes back while she is pregnant, giving birth to Sleipnir, an eight-legged horse who becomes Odin's ride.
Although Loki frequently assumes a masculine shape, he is not constrained by a particular gender like the other Sirs, nor is he subject to the prevailing gender standards.

Father Of Victims Or Father Of Monsters?

The three terrible offspring of Loki with the Jötunn Angrboda, Fenrir, the enormous wolf; Jörmungand, the world snake; and Hel.
Who governs over the realm of the same name in Niflheim, where all people who pass away from illness or old age go, are the most monstrous of all Loki's offspring.
These three are not considered to be among the Sir, even though they officially had a Sir father and a Jötunn mother.
Two of them result in the deaths of two important figures: Jörmungand and Thor, and Fenrir and Odin.
Similar to their father, it is unknown if these three were intended to bring about the sir's demise or if they developed in that way as a result of the sir.
When Odin learned of Loki's offspring, it is written in Gylfaginning that he "kastai" (roughly, "threw or tossed") Jörmungand into the water and Hel into Niflheim.
Even though Fenrir was once a close friend of the Sir and resided with them in Asgard, due to their dread of his size, they chained him and placed a sword in his jaws to prevent him from biting.
Silhouette Of Trees
Silhouette Of Trees

Loki Methodology Origin

Although Loki entered Norse mythology later than most other characters, it is still unclear where he came from.
Loki was noticeably absent from the earliest literary writings, such as the Grmnismál (which had pieces dating back to the eighth century).
Again, Loki was either absent or depicted extremely differently in non-Norse sources of pre-Christian Germanic religion.
Such proof showed that Loki was a divinity distinct from the others.

Loki The Incorrigible

In the extensive mythical canon of the trickster god, Loki's enormous mischief has always taken center stage.
One well-known tale started as a wanton act of mischief and ended with the gods obtaining a generous load of riches.
The Skáldskaparmál of the Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson contains the narrative.
Loki wanted to completely shave off all of Sif's hair one day because he was feeling wicked.
Sif, Thor's wife, was renowned for her stunning, flowing blonde locks.
Naturally, Thor fell into a frenzy upon learning of Loki's ploy and threatened Loki with violence.
To appease Thor's rage, Loki vowed to track down the Black Elves and have them build a substitute.
Loki set off towards Svartalfheim, a place deep under the earth's crust where black elves, dwarfs, and other jötnar lived, wanting to make atonement.
When Loki discovered them, the sons of Ivaldi, who were renowned as the best artisans, were present.
The sons of Ivaldi quickly created Sif and two other marvels with fresh hairstyles.
One was a vessel called Skidbladnir, which could always find wind when its sail was up and folded up small enough to fit in a person's pocket.
The dwarves also created Gungnir, a weapon with an unstoppable thrust, as another marvel.
Loki got an idea after observing the magnificent items the dwarves had created.
After taking the wealth from Ivaldi's sons, Loki sought out the dwarf brothers Brokkr and Sindri, who were also skilled artisans.
They were mocked by Loki, who bet his head against their ability to produce something as flawless as the works of the sons of Ivaldi.
The brothers accepted the bet and started working on the forge with their dignity on the line.
To divert them from their task, Loki changed into a fly and repeatedly bit the dwarves.
Unfazed, though, Brokkr and Sindri soon gave Loki three of their masterpieces.
The first was Gullinbursti, a golden-maned boar that could run through water and the air and was quicker than a horse.
The second was Draupnir, a golden ring that, every ninth night, grew eight other rings that were the same.
The third and last thing was a battle hammer known as Mjölnir, which in Thor's possession became one of the most legendary objects in all of Norse mythology.
Brokkr and Loki made their way back to Asgard, where Loki asked the gods to decide which of the six objects was the best.
Thor received the hair from Loki so that Sif might once more have gorgeous golden locks.
He presented Skidbladnir to Freya and handed Gungnir to Odin.
Then Brokkr delivered gifts of his own: the boar to Freya, the regenerative ring to Odin, and the powerful Mjölnir to Thor.
Thor's hammer was deemed the best creation by the gods, but when Brokkr went to retrieve Loki's skull, he discovered that the god had fled wearing fast-moving footwear.
Thor helped catch him, but Brokkr couldn't take Loki's head because the clever god used riddles to get away.

Loki In A Norse Context

In Norse mythology, Loki was a representative of a sophisticated cosmological and theological philosophy that the Scandinavian and Germanic peoples held in common.
This mythological tradition, which is best kept alive in Scandinavian (especially Icelandic) subgroups, grew between the first signs of religion and material culture, which appeared around 1000 BCE, and the Christianization of the area, which happened mostly between 900 and 1200 CE.
The deeply adventurous and itinerant spirit of Viking civilization tends to overcome such problems, notwithstanding some historians' critiques of the homogenizing impact of lumping these disparate traditions under the umbrella of "Norse Mythology."
Whatever else we may say about the different peoples of the North during the Viking Age, we cannot claim that they were cut off from or unaware of their neighbors, as Thomas DuBois persuasively contends.
Religion always evolves in reaction to cultural, economic, and environmental conditions because it represents the worries and experiences of its human believers.
Ideas and thoughts were shared often and regularly between communities.
This made the area interconnected and multicultural, with people who believed in a wide range of religious and philosophical ideas.
Most of the stories in this collection of myths show how a culture places a lot of value on strength and military power.
The Aesir, Vanir, and Jotun are three distinct "clans" of gods that are postulated within this framework by Norse cosmology.
The difference between Aesir and Vanir is contested because legend has it that the two united to reign after a protracted conflict, made peace, traded captives, and intermarried.
The two races differ most in their spheres of influence, with the Vanir signifying exploration, fertility, and riches, and the Aesir standing for battle and conquering.
According to Georges Dumézil, one of the foremost experts on the Norse tradition and a well-known comparatist, the distinction between the Aesir and Vanir is part of a larger triadic division (between ruler gods, warrior gods, and gods of agriculture and commerce) that is echoed among the Indo-European cosmologies (from Vedic India, through Rome, and into the Germanic North).
He adds that this differentiation follows social organization features that are common to all of these cultures.
On the other hand, the Jotun is thought of as a mainly wicked (but clever) race of giants that served as the Aesir and Vanir's main foes.
Silhouette of Mountain Hill With Pine Trees Under White Cloud Blue Sky
Silhouette of Mountain Hill With Pine Trees Under White Cloud Blue Sky

Characteristics Of Mischievous Norse God

In Norse mythology, Loki served as the archetypal "con man" due to his reputation as a liar.
He is typically shown assisting the gods in resolving conflicts that he was frequently the original cause of in many Eddic stories.
This is illustrated by the tale in which Loki chops off Sif's hair and then grows it back, as well as by the kidnapping of Idunn and its successful recovery.
He uses his power to alter his sex and shape at will to further his many plans.
For instance, to mention, he could transform into a salmon, a mare (who finally gave birth to a gigantic foal), a bird, and a flea.
The Flyting of Loki ("The Flyting of Loki"), is an intriguing skaldic poem that describes one of Loki's fateful visits to the hall of the Aesir, where he proceeds to insult, mock, and defame all of the deities in attendance with unrestrained bile, is a good example of his generally coarse disposition as well as his hostility toward the other Norse Gods.
Snorri Sturluson, an Icelandic writer who lived from 1178 to 1241 CE, wrote the following about the Sly God: Call him Laufey's and Fárbauti's son.
The Vast Monster (also known as the Midgard Serpent, the Father of Hel, and the Monster of Ván (also known as Fenris-Wolf).
Benchmate, Uncle to Odin and the Aesir, and Evil Companion.
The thief of the Giants, of the Goat, of the Brisinga-men, and Idunn's apples; Loki was the father of Odin's eight-legged horse.
Husband of Sigyn; Enemy of the Gods; Harmer of Sif's Hair; Forger of Evil; Sly God; Slanderer and Cheat of the Gods; Conceiver of Balder.
These several names all allude to Loki's multiple thefts, trickery, and planned murder of Odin's son Balder, which is covered below.
Some academics hypothesize that Odin and Loki may have historically been more closely linked than current knowledge allows in light of their fascinating parallels in termsof their propensities to solve issues through cunning, guile, and blatant lying.
According to Ström, Loki is "a hypostasis of Odin," and Rübekeil believes the two deities were once the same, descended from the Celtic god Lugus, whose name would have continued in Loki.
Even if this theory is wrong, the strange fact that Loki is often shown as Odin's friend (or even blood brother) may be explained by these clear similarities.
Despite his relatively strong relationships with the Asgardian gods, Loki was nevertheless destined to play the "bad" part in the end-of-the-world event known as Ragnarok, when he would guide the giants in their last battle with the Aesir and perish in a fight with Heimdall.
According to Lindow, "Loki has a chronological component: He is the adversary of the gods in the far mythological past [owing to his lineal relationship to the Jotun], and he reverts to this role when the mythic future approaches and arrives.
He is unclear and "numbered among the Aesir" in the mythological present.
The phrase "numbered among the Aesir" refers to that unclear description of Loki's standing about the other gods in Sturluson's Prose Edda.

People Also Ask

Who Is Loki The God Of Norse Mythology?

As a trickster deity, Loki is seen as neither wholly good nor bad because his primary objective was always to bring about chaos.

What Are Loki's Powers In Norse Mythology?

Loki is a master shapeshifter, taking the appearance of a salmon, a mare, a fly, and his feminine alter-ego ökk (Old Norse: Thanks).

Is Loki Evil In Norse?

In Norse mythology, Loki is not a bad deity. Although he is a deity of confusion and cunning, he is not bad.


What, then, is Loki? We don't know, is the succinct response.
Other than the fact that he is a trickster, it is challenging to categorize him with any certainty.
Maybe this is what originally made him such a skilled con artist!
It's hard to get precise answers from the source texts when it comes to Norse mythology, as it is with other things.
The identity of Loki will most likely vary depending on your perspective on both Loki and the father.
There is just one thing we can be certain of when it comes to Loki: it's complex.
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Suleman Shah

Suleman Shah

Suleman Shah is a researcher and freelance writer. As a researcher, he has worked with MNS University of Agriculture, Multan (Pakistan) and Texas A & M University (USA). He regularly writes science articles and blogs for science news website and open access publishers OA Publishing London and Scientific Times. He loves to keep himself updated on scientific developments and convert these developments into everyday language to update the readers about the developments in the scientific era. His primary research focus is Plant sciences, and he contributed to this field by publishing his research in scientific journals and presenting his work at many Conferences. Shah graduated from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad (Pakistan) and started his professional carrier with Jaffer Agro Services and later with the Agriculture Department of the Government of Pakistan. His research interest compelled and attracted him to proceed with his carrier in Plant sciences research. So, he started his Ph.D. in Soil Science at MNS University of Agriculture Multan (Pakistan). Later, he started working as a visiting scholar with Texas A&M University (USA). Shah’s experience with big Open Excess publishers like Springers, Frontiers, MDPI, etc., testified to his belief in Open Access as a barrier-removing mechanism between researchers and the readers of their research. Shah believes that Open Access is revolutionizing the publication process and benefitting research in all fields.
Han Ju

Han Ju

Hello! I'm Han Ju, the heart behind World Wide Journals. My life is a unique tapestry woven from the threads of news, spirituality, and science, enriched by melodies from my guitar. Raised amidst tales of the ancient and the arcane, I developed a keen eye for the stories that truly matter. Through my work, I seek to bridge the seen with the unseen, marrying the rigor of science with the depth of spirituality. Each article at World Wide Journals is a piece of this ongoing quest, blending analysis with personal reflection. Whether exploring quantum frontiers or strumming chords under the stars, my aim is to inspire and provoke thought, inviting you into a world where every discovery is a note in the grand symphony of existence. Welcome aboard this journey of insight and exploration, where curiosity leads and music guides.
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