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The Science Behind Coincidence And Its Probability

The science behind coincidence can be explained as every person's life is full of coincidences, some of which are little and others of which are tremendous, and these coincidences force each of us to respond uniquely.

Author:Suleman Shah
Reviewer:Han Ju
Nov 12, 2022
The science behind coincidencecan be explained as every person's lifeis full of coincidences, some of which are little and othersof which are tremendous, and these coincidences force each of us to respond uniquely.
The sciencebehind coincidence, in its most fundamental sense, is an unexpected confluence of occurrences, and humans give meaning to the science behind coincidence they experience.
It may appear impossible that there may be any scientific logic guiding the science behind coincidences since they appear to be random, meaning different things to different people, and there may be no such explanation.
However, if you delve a little further, you'll find that there are some unexpected factors at play here.
Then, should we view the science behind coincidence as merely an additional scientific phenomenon?
As we investigate the phenomenon of the science behind coincidence, there are two aspects of the situation that must be taken into consideration:
First, our response to the events that take place, and second, the probability or degree of surprise associated with those events.
Apophenia, also known as the perception of connections and patterns in information, may play a role in the establishment of our feeling of coincidental occurrences.
It was highly helpful for our ancestors to be able to discern patterns, faces, and noises; for example, if an early man believed he saw a face someplace but wasn't too sure, it was far safer to be careful and think probably was.
As a result, humans are born wired to see these things. We're just wired that way.
Nevertheless, predecessors who had a good sense of apophenia would have lived longer and been in a better position to defend their offspring.
This is why we saw a face on Mars, and why there are newsstories every once in a while about Jesus appearing somewhere implausible.
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What Is The Meaning Of Life From A Science Perspective?

The meaning of a word or item is its significance or sense.
The functions of metabolism, development, and reproduction, as well as the capability to respond to environmental cues, define life. Life is the quality or feature that distinguishes living objects or beings from the dead or inorganic.
According to the ancient sages, we humans are more powerful than other animals and natural phenomena. Man is omnipotent and has the power to both create and destroy.
Around 200 million years ago, dinosaurs walked the earth. Mammals survived when dinosaurs did not because they were better at surviving than dinosaurs were.

Survival And Evolution

After that, some five million years ago, certain animal species with bigger brains started to emerge. They were both gorillas and humans. Man began to dominate the environment as his brain size grew throughout time.
The earliest known cave paintings date back 15,000 years. The domestication of animals and the discovery of fire happened concurrently. The wheel was invented somewhere about 6,000 B.C.
Although civilization had already started, I think that about 3,800 B.C., the first civilizations started to take on more recognizable features.
So, from my perspective, the two major components of life are evolution and survival.

Power Struggle

Agriculture and bureaucracy were crucial to this time in human historyin figuring out what life meant. Greater human achievements, like the building of the Egyptian pyramids, were permitted by governments.
The quest for power takes on a fundamental role in life. During this period, courageous men matured and learned to defy authority or defend the meaning of life. As a consequence, Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad became well-known, followed by Moses, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Socrates, and Plato.
In other words, the major faiths sprang from the search for life and the opposition to arbitrary control.

The Scientific Perspective

Answers were required for a man's emotions. Different civilizations were able to establish their own ways of explaining forces that were much superior to those of man thanks to language. Myths and mysticism developed in reaction to this knowledge vacuum.
Confusion further increased when Charles Darwin proposed his theories of natural selection and the survival of the fittest. We are related to apes.
They said this is ludicrous, Nevertheless, despite what others may think, powerful people arose to dominate world history. Once again, brave people stood up to protect themselves. In this way, revolutions and reformations occurred.
As additional historical records and scientific discoveries were produced, the definition of life was altered. Democracy and human rights allowed individuals to choose their own definitions of what life was all about after the two world wars.

Meaning Of Science Behind Coincidences

Probability rules. Any event or item can cause coincidences. Most are dull, like two blue automobiles parked next to one another. Sometimes we believe we've seen an unusual coincidence.
We're neglecting a key probability rule: given enough chances, even uncommon occurrences will happen.
It's hard to quantify their quantity, so it's impossible to evaluate their real possibility, leaving us perplexed and frightened.
Some coincidences can be estimated. Probability theory suggests there's a 50/50 possibility two of 23 football players (including the official) have the same birthday.
If we're flexible about what counts as a coincidence, our odds improve. If we count births within a day of each other, the odds of seeing a football team coincidence rise to 90%.
The birthdays of players are random, independent factors. If variables are linked, coincidences are more likely.

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Forces At Work Behind Coincidence

Why do these unfathomable occurrences keep taking place? There have been a variety of peculiar forces.
Paul Kammerer, an Austrian biologist, came up with the theory that coincidences are caused by a fundamental physical force that he dubbed "seriality."
However, he disregarded as superstition any supernatural beliefs that may, for example, relate dreams to future occurrences.
Carl Jung, on the other hand, was fascinated by esoteric concepts such as telepathy, the collective unconscious, and extrasensory perception.
He also coined the term "synchronicity" to describe a mysterious "causal connecting principle" that not only explains physical coincidences but also premonitions. There is, however, the possibility of more pedestrian answers.
To begin, there is always the possibility that there is some type of covert cause or underlying component at play here; for example, you and a buddy of yours may have both been told that the Pyrenees are an excellent spot to spend your vacation.
Studies in psychology have shown that our unconscious minds have a heightened capacity for heightened perception of a recently heard word or phrase.
As a result, we can recognize when something that is currently going through our minds immediately comes up in a song that is playing on the radio.
And of course, we only hear about the matches that take place; we don't hear about all the individuals you've spoken to who had nothing in common with you and who you were glad to get away from.
For example, since truly random events tend to cluster, if you empty a bucket of balls onto the floor, they will not arrange themselves in a nice regular pattern if you leave them there for a while.
Change can be a strange and counterintuitive thing that can produce surprising coincidences more frequently than we might think.
The outcomes of this are, to put it mildly, difficult to comprehend. For instance, if there are 23 people in a room, the probability that two of them share the same birthdate increases to the point where it is more likely than not to happen.
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Cultivating Coincidence

No matter what causes coincidences, research indicates that certain people are more prone to experiencing them than others.
According to Beitman, people who identify as religious or spiritual, are more in tune with their surroundings, are seeking meaning, or are distressed and looking for signs, are more likely to encounter coincidences.
In a study that was published in Perceptual and Motor Skills back in 2002, researchers found that people who are more prone to being astonished by coincidences are also more inclined to believe in the paranormal.

Connect With Coincidence

Although some people are more prone to coincidences than others, everyone may learn how to develop them.
Mathematician David Hand asserts that events occur more frequently the more you are aware of them. Want to make the world seem more fantastical? Try the following tactics:

Pay Attention

People who are attentive and pay attention to details experience coincidences. Keep your senses alert for serendipitous possibilities as you go about your regular tasks.

Talk To Strangers

David Spiegelhalter, a risk researcher, found that conversing with strangers frequently results in coincidences.
It is impossible to know if you and your neighbor were both born in the same hospital, on the same day, in a city several hundred miles from your current residence if you don't introduce yourself to your neighbor.
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Seek Meaning

Ask yourself whether you can interpret the experience, whether you see a series of digits on a license plate or hear music on the radio.

Write It Down

Keep track of the coincidences that happen to you every day. The more often you observe coincidences, the more probable you will experience one.

We're All Connected Through Coincidence

Psychiatric researcher and visiting University of Virginia professor of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences, Bernard Beitman, claims that coincidence is a sign of an unobservable network that links everything and everyone.
Beitman believes that people unconsciously transfer energy information that other people arrange or filter into emotions and actions.
In the same way that sharks have ampullae in their skin that can see minute electromagnetic changes in their prey, he claims that people have comparable systems for spotting coincidences.
Although there is no proof, he is not the first to follow this extreme course of thought.
Paul Kammerer, an Austrian scientist, thought coincidences were caused by waves or forces he named "seriality." In 1919, he published a book on the subject.
It was also mentioned by Albert Einstein, who stated that it was "by no means outlandish."
And to explain these strange events, psychiatrist Carl Jung developed a related theory in the 1950s that he named the "synchronicity hypothesis."
The most convincing argument, though, could come from a mix of arithmetic and our brain's craving for order and patterns.
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Erlenmeyer flasks and beakers

Rare Events And Coincidence

The rule of genuinely huge numbers, which states that everything possibly feasible will happen someday if we wait long enough, provides the definitive explanation for coincidences.
Or, to put it another way, given enough chances, even unusual events will happen.
If there is any preparation, there is a 1/365 x 1/365 = 1 in 135,000 chance that any three people, let's say children in a family, will all have the same birthdate. This is an unusual occurrence.
However, there are one million households with three children under the age of 18 in the UK, so we should anticipate that eight families will have children with the same birthdays and that fresh cases will arise once a year on average. Which they do:
Three fresh instances happened in the UK on January 29, 2008, February 5, 2010, and October 7, 2010.
Given all of this, it would thus be very odd if you did not have noteworthy coincidences.
However, it could be challenging to remember this when you are passing a phone box, it rings, and you decide to pick it up, only to learn that the call is for you. When someone experiences this, they remember it for years.
But consider all the acquaintances you have ever had. Then consider everyone with whom you have shared a relationship, such as going to the same school, having mutual acquaintances, etc.
There will be thousands. You will keep making connections if you are the type of person who strikes up conversations with total strangers.
If not, consider the possibility that you could have been traveling on a train with a long-lost relative without realizing it.

People Also Ask

Is There Such Thing As A Coincidence?

Statistics know that randomness explains coincidences; therefore, we recall them because they're starting. Randomness, not coincidences.

What Is A Coincidence In Psychology?

Carl Gustav Jung, an icon of contemporary psychology, believed that coincidences were caused by significant invisible connections, or "synchronicity."

Can Coincidences Be Explained By Science?

Yes, chance plays a major role in everything. Almost anything we encounter in life has the potential to cause coincidences.


Probability rules. The science behind coincidence, any event or item can cause coincidences. Most are dull, like two blue automobiles parked next to one another.
Sometimes we believe we've seen an unusual coincidence. We're neglecting a key probability rule.
Given enough chances, even uncommon occurrences will happen. It's hard to quantify their quantity, so it's impossible to evaluate their real possibility, leaving us perplexed and frightened.
Some coincidences can be estimated. Probability theory suggests there's a 50/50 possibility two of 23 football players (including the official) have the same birthday.
If we're flexible about what counts as a coincidence, our odds improve. If we count births within a day of each other, the odds of seeing a football team coincidence rise to 90%.
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Suleman Shah

Suleman Shah

Suleman Shah is a researcher and freelance writer. As a researcher, he has worked with MNS University of Agriculture, Multan (Pakistan) and Texas A & M University (USA). He regularly writes science articles and blogs for science news website and open access publishers OA Publishing London and Scientific Times. He loves to keep himself updated on scientific developments and convert these developments into everyday language to update the readers about the developments in the scientific era. His primary research focus is Plant sciences, and he contributed to this field by publishing his research in scientific journals and presenting his work at many Conferences. Shah graduated from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad (Pakistan) and started his professional carrier with Jaffer Agro Services and later with the Agriculture Department of the Government of Pakistan. His research interest compelled and attracted him to proceed with his carrier in Plant sciences research. So, he started his Ph.D. in Soil Science at MNS University of Agriculture Multan (Pakistan). Later, he started working as a visiting scholar with Texas A&M University (USA). Shah’s experience with big Open Excess publishers like Springers, Frontiers, MDPI, etc., testified to his belief in Open Access as a barrier-removing mechanism between researchers and the readers of their research. Shah believes that Open Access is revolutionizing the publication process and benefitting research in all fields.
Han Ju

Han Ju

Hello! I'm Han Ju, the heart behind World Wide Journals. My life is a unique tapestry woven from the threads of news, spirituality, and science, enriched by melodies from my guitar. Raised amidst tales of the ancient and the arcane, I developed a keen eye for the stories that truly matter. Through my work, I seek to bridge the seen with the unseen, marrying the rigor of science with the depth of spirituality. Each article at World Wide Journals is a piece of this ongoing quest, blending analysis with personal reflection. Whether exploring quantum frontiers or strumming chords under the stars, my aim is to inspire and provoke thought, inviting you into a world where every discovery is a note in the grand symphony of existence. Welcome aboard this journey of insight and exploration, where curiosity leads and music guides.
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