To see a badger in a dreamis a nocturnal animal, which means it is only active at night. Your dream of a badger may be a sign that you need to let go of things that have been bothering you for too long. Instead, take a fresh look at the scenario or consider it in the light of day. When you dream about a badger, you are receiving a lesson about personal will. You will encounter situations in your waking lifethat require your self-assurance, independence, and will. Badgers spend a lot of time digging and hiding in dens because these activities link the animal to the Earth; you would do well to follow their example: when it's essential, take on problems, but also know when to back off and take a step back.
To see a badger in a dream indicates that you will make a significant profit. You might be fortunate in the time that comes, and you'll be able to collect the majority of the debts. People to whom you had lent money were in a similar predicament financially to you, thus they were unable to repay you.
When they are back on their feet, they will repay you for everything you have done for them.
Even when you think you're at your weakest, these dreams give you the confidence that you can overcome any challenge. Did you imagine that, if you weren't careful, you'd end up bothering yourself?
Many people have had trouble sleeping because they were too hard on themselves about something or because they kept meditating on the same ideas over and over again.
To see a badger in a dream as a sign of freedom. It stands for your independence of thought and action. Badgers are a symbol of endurance and perseverance in dreams.
Such dreams represent the desire to be able to push through any obstacle and move closer to your objectives. A badger also represents ferocity and violence.
The badger is a tiny, robust animal that can dig burrows in the ground because of its strong legs and toes. It reveals your repressed need to confront something or someone in your waking life.
The dream may also be expressing a need or desire for stubbornness. A badger persists, perseveres, and takes an obstinate stance toward issues; however, if this approach fails, he turns vicious and fights back.
Badger hunting in your dreams is a sign that you are idly passing the time. You are naturally tenacious and never give up on a project you have begun. Even when many around you are telling you to stop doing activities that don't help you, you would rather suffer harm than confess that you were wrong.
Dreaming about catching a badger portends a dispute with your neighbors. You and they have struggled to agree on fundamental issues for a long time, and eventually one of you will need the assistance of the court.
After that, the situation will become intolerable, and the only thing you will receive is lengthy judicial proceedings without any guidance.
Badgers in dreams might serve as a reminder to let go of issues that have been plaguing you for a very long time. Instead, reevaluate the situation or give it some fresh perspective.
A badger appearing in your dream foretells that you will make a significant fortune.
Saw a badger in a dream as a symbol of liberation. It represents your capacity for independent thought and behavior.
According to the interpretation to see a badger in a dream is a sign of future success, good health, and luck after adversity. But sometimes, this symbol in a dream means something terrible will happen, a friend will lie to you, or you will have a lot of trouble.