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OA Publishing London is the definitive reference to the most awe-inspiring developments in science, detailing how they alter our knowledge of the universe and influence our daily lives. Its mission is to provide you with reporting on fresh, relevant, intriguing research and it aims to unearth stories that no one else would find and convey them with simple, concise, and insightful writing.

Oct 30, 2022
Station Zillais the definitive reference to the most awe-inspiring developments in science, detailing how they alter our knowledge of the universe and influence our daily lives.
Through innovative and unique articles, online stories, and multimedia features, Station Zilla examines the most recent scientific discoveries, research trends, innovative methodologies, new technologies, and other life-science fields.
Its mission is to provide you with reporting on fresh, relevant, intriguing research and it aims to unearth stories that no one else would find and convey them with simple, concise, and insightful writing.
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History Of Open Access Publication

Open access movement traces its origins as far back as the 1950s when the Letterist International (LI) published a newspaper called Potlatch that made everything available to the public. Guy Debord wrote to Patrick Straram when the LI and the Situationist International joined to become the Situationist International.
Suleman Shah
Jul 26, 2023

History Of Open Access Publication

History Of Open Access Publication

Open access movement traces its origins as far back as the 1950s when the Letterist International (LI) published a newspaper called Potlatch that made everything available to the public. Guy Debord wrote to Patrick Straram when the LI and the Situationist International joined to become the Situationist International.
Open access movement traces its origins as far back as the 1950s when the Letterist International (LI) published a newspaper called Potlatch that made everything available to the public. Guy Debord wrote to Patrick Straram when the LI and the Situationist International joined to become the Situationist International.
Suleman Shah
Jul 26, 2023

Law Of Assumption Affirmations - Top Techniques To Use It In 2023

Law Of Assumption Affirmations - Top Techniques To Use It In 2023

The Law of Assumption Affirmations is based on declarations of faith that may be spoken vocally, in one's mind, or on paper. You can make affirmations about the things you want to come true or the Law of Assumption itself. The brain's flexibility has been identified, allowing us to change our thoughts and perspectives even as adults. Thoughtful and intentional at first, affirmations eventually become unconscious habits.
The Law of Assumption Affirmations is based on declarations of faith that may be spoken vocally, in one's mind, or on paper. You can make affirmations about the things you want to come true or the Law of Assumption itself. The brain's flexibility has been identified, allowing us to change our thoughts and perspectives even as adults. Thoughtful and intentional at first, affirmations eventually become unconscious habits.
Suleman Shah
Jul 18, 2023

The Dark Caustic Theory - A Test Against Observations In The Milky Way

The Dark Caustic Theory - A Test Against Observations In The Milky Way

According to this theory, the Milky Way is made up of sheets of cold, collisionless dark matter particles with angular momentum that flow in and out. At the locations of closest approach to the Galactic center, these flows form caustic rings (where the density of the flow is formally infinite). A roughly logarithmic halo is produced by the dark caustic theory, with large perturbations near the rings.
According to this theory, the Milky Way is made up of sheets of cold, collisionless dark matter particles with angular momentum that flow in and out. At the locations of closest approach to the Galactic center, these flows form caustic rings (where the density of the flow is formally infinite). A roughly logarithmic halo is produced by the dark caustic theory, with large perturbations near the rings.
Suleman Shah
Jul 18, 2023

Look Who Died Facebook Message - How To Spot And Avoid The Scam

Look Who Died Facebook Message - How To Spot And Avoid The Scam

The emergence of social media platforms has transformed the way we connect, share information, and communicate with others. However, it has also provided fertile ground for various scams and deceptive schemes. One such scam that has been circulating on is the "Look Who Died" Facebook message.
The emergence of social media platforms has transformed the way we connect, share information, and communicate with others. However, it has also provided fertile ground for various scams and deceptive schemes. One such scam that has been circulating on is the "Look Who Died" Facebook message.
Suleman Shah
Jul 18, 2023

Well-Being - The Effects Of Sustainability Psychology And Sustainable Development

Well-Being - The Effects Of Sustainability Psychology And Sustainable Development

The labor market is marked by uncertainty, economic instability, and constant change, just as the 21st century as a whole is marked by complexity, speed, change, and globalization. The safety of people and organizations is especially at risk in this situation. The psychology of sustainability in terms of sustainable development for well-being in companies is therefore becoming a new field of study and intervention that has opportunities.
The labor market is marked by uncertainty, economic instability, and constant change, just as the 21st century as a whole is marked by complexity, speed, change, and globalization. The safety of people and organizations is especially at risk in this situation. The psychology of sustainability in terms of sustainable development for well-being in companies is therefore becoming a new field of study and intervention that has opportunities.
Suleman Shah
Jul 17, 2023

The Antibiotic Era - A Brief History And Lessons Learned

The Antibiotic Era - A Brief History And Lessons Learned

This article provides a quick review of the antibiotic era, from the discovery of the first antibiotics to the current situation, which is characterized by the emergence of difficult-to-treat multidrug-resistant illnesses. The development of novel strategies in the search for new antimicrobials, the design of more effective preventive measures, and, most importantly, a better understanding of the ecology of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance are all discussed as possible responses to the antibiotic resistance challenges.
This article provides a quick review of the antibiotic era, from the discovery of the first antibiotics to the current situation, which is characterized by the emergence of difficult-to-treat multidrug-resistant illnesses. The development of novel strategies in the search for new antimicrobials, the design of more effective preventive measures, and, most importantly, a better understanding of the ecology of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance are all discussed as possible responses to the antibiotic resistance challenges.
Suleman Shah
Jul 16, 2023

Sanpaku - What Is It And How Does It Affect Your Life?

Sanpaku - What Is It And How Does It Affect Your Life?

Since the whites of the eye occupy three of the four quadrants, the term sanpaku literally translates to "three whites." Sanpaku occurs when the white of someone's eye is seen above or below their iris. That's not really noteworthy, and in most cases you wouldn't even notice it. Yet in Japanese folklore, sanpaku is seen as a potential portent of one's future. This superstition gained a lot of traction in the West in the 1960s, when Japanese novelist George Osawa used the eyes of prominent Americans to prophesy their deaths (including Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy). Since then, many have wondered whether and how sanpaku influences one's destiny.
Since the whites of the eye occupy three of the four quadrants, the term sanpaku literally translates to "three whites." Sanpaku occurs when the white of someone's eye is seen above or below their iris. That's not really noteworthy, and in most cases you wouldn't even notice it. Yet in Japanese folklore, sanpaku is seen as a potential portent of one's future. This superstition gained a lot of traction in the West in the 1960s, when Japanese novelist George Osawa used the eyes of prominent Americans to prophesy their deaths (including Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy). Since then, many have wondered whether and how sanpaku influences one's destiny.
Suleman Shah
May 31, 2023

Can't Sleep Without Masturbation - Why Does It Happen?

Can't Sleep Without Masturbation - Why Does It Happen?

Hormones like endorphins are released during masturbation, helping you to relax. This is why many individuals can't sleep without masturbation because they have developed the routine of masturbating just before bedtime. By engaging in this routine just before bed, you may train your brain to expect sleep. However, this neural encoding is just concerned with the habit, which may be rewritten by adjusting one's behavior. You should also be aware that this is a frequent practice and is in no way harmful.
Hormones like endorphins are released during masturbation, helping you to relax. This is why many individuals can't sleep without masturbation because they have developed the routine of masturbating just before bedtime. By engaging in this routine just before bed, you may train your brain to expect sleep. However, this neural encoding is just concerned with the habit, which may be rewritten by adjusting one's behavior. You should also be aware that this is a frequent practice and is in no way harmful.
Suleman Shah
May 30, 2023